
Rosenthal, Gabriele (Ed.) (2022): Transnational Biographies: Changing We-images, Collective Belongings and Power Chances of Migrants and Refugees. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press. (Göttingen Series in Sociological Biographical Research)

Bahl, Eva und Johannes Becker (Eds.) (2020): Global Processes of Flight and Migration. The explanatory power of case studies. Göttingen: University Press. (Göttingen Series in Sociological Biographical Research)


Bahl, Eva (2023) Auf der Suche nach Reggae und Sicherheit – (Un-)Geplante Fluchtwege nach Zentral- und Südamerika. Hinterland-Magazin (55): 47–51.

Bahl, Eva (2023) Prozesse des Erinnerns in Krisenzeiten – Zeitliche Aspekte des biographischen Forschens. In: Gerd Sebald et al. (eds.), Sozialwissenschaftliche Methoden und Methodologien: Temporalität – Prozessorientierung – Gedächtnis. Soziales Gedächtnis, Erinnern und Vergessen – Memory Studies. Wiesbaden: Springer, 163–186.

Bahl, Eva / Berger, Yvonne (2023) Processes of South-South Migration in Their Historical Context: Biographical Case Studies from Brazil and China. Historical Social Research 48: 248–282.

Bahl, Eva / Rosenthal, Gabriele (Eds.) (2021): Navigating through increasing social inequalities in times of Covid-19: Research report on interviews with migrants in the Middle East and Europe and migrants and indigenous people in South America. Göttingen: Centre for Global Migration Studies. (Global Migration Studies).

Bahl, Eva und Arne Worm (2021) Follow-Up-Interviews im Rahmen biographischer Fallrekonstruktionen. Prozessorientierte und methodenflexible Zugänge zu prekärer Transnationalität. In: Birgit Blättel-Mink (Hrsg.), Gesellschaft unter Spannung: Der Verhandlungsband des 40. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) vom 14.-24. September 2020.

Bahl, Eva und Lucas Cé Sangalli (2021) Migration research in Brazil in times of Covid-19. Conversations with Alejandro Goldberg, Maria do Carmo dos Santos Gonçalves, Ercílio Langa, Kassoum Dieme and María del Carmen Villarreal Villamar.Göttingen: Centre for Global Migration Studies. (Global Migration Studies).

Johannes Becker/ Hendrik Hinrichsen/ Arne Worm (2021): „Fluchtmigration von Syrien nach Jordanien im familiengeschichtlichen und regionalhistorischen Kontext. Zum Nutzen einer biographietheoretischen und figurationssoziologischen Forschungsperspektive“. In: Köttig, Michaela und Nicole Witte (Hrsg.) Biographie und Kollektivgeschichte. Weinheim/Basel: Beltz Juventa.

Bahl, Eva und Johannes Becker (2020) Global Processes of Flight and Migration: How Case Studies Help to Understand Their Complex and Heterogeneous Character. In: Eva Bahl und Johannes Becker (Hrsg.), Global Processes of Flight and Migration: The Explanatory Power of Case Studies. S. 9–21, Göttingen Series in Sociological Biographical Research. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press.

Çakır-Kılınçoğlu, Sevil (2020) Staying Politically Active in Exile: Kurdish Activists in Germany. In: Eva Bahl und Johannes Becker (Hrsg.), Global Processes of Flight and Migration: The Explanatory Power of Case Studies. S. 201–219, Göttingen Series in Sociological Biographical Research. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press.

Cé Sangalli, Lucas und Maria do Carmo dos Santos Gonçalves (2019) Cursos migratórios e novas circularidades: migrantes da África Ocidental no Sul do Brasil. REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana 27(56):61–80.

Cé Sangalli, Lucas und Maria do Carmo Dos Santos Gonçalves (2020) Migrants and Refugees from Ghana and Haiti in Southern Brazil: Familial Constellations and Processes of Escape. In: Eva Bahl und Johannes Becker (Hrsg.), Global Processes of Flight and Migration: The Explanatory Power of Case Studies. S. 83–102, Göttingen Series in Sociological Biographical Research. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press.

Santos Gonçalves, Maria do Carmo (2019) Participação feminina nos fluxos migratórios de senegaleses para o Rio Grande do Sul. In: João Carlos Tedesco (Hrsg.), Imigração Senegalesa: múltiplas dimensões. S. 193–209, vol. 2. Porto Alegre: EST Edições.

Santos Gonçalves, Maria do Carmo (2020) Dieureudieuf Serigne Touba! Notas sobre o Islã negro contemporâneo no Brasil. In: Mariela Cuadro und Damián Setton (Hrsg.), Estudios sobre el Medio Oriente desde América Latina: perspectivas desde el Sur. S. 167–177. Buenos Aires: CLACSO/CEIL. [13.01.2021]

Santos Gonçalves, Maria do Carmo (2020) “Levados com a areia”: estudo antropológico sobre a diáspora mouride no sul do Brasil. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul. [13.01.2021]

Worm, Arne (2020) Zur Verbindung einer transnationalen mit einer biographietheoretischen Perspektive in der Fluchtforschung: Migrationsverläufe im Kontext des syrischen Bürgerkrieges. In: Eva Bahl und Johannes Becker (Hrsg.), Global Processes of Flight and Migration: The Explanatory Power of Case Studies. S. 103–122, Göttingen Series in Sociological Biographical Research. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press.


Eva Bahl & Yvonne Berger: “Processes of South-South migration in their historical context: Case studies from Brazil and China”. 41st Congress of the German Sociological Association (DGS), Bielefeld, September 28th.

Eva Bahl: “Migrationsbewegungen aus der Levante-Region nach Brasilien: Mehrere Generationen verflochtener Geschichten.” Presentation at the IE.TALK, organized by the Department of Development Studies, University of Vienna, April 27th.

Çakır-Kılınçoğlu, Sevil “Conception of Activist Biographies: The Kurdish Migrant Women in Germany”, the Annual Meeting of the Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA), Nov. 29 - Dec.3.

Lucas Cé Sangalli: “Pesquisa Social Interpretativa e o Estudo de Fenômenos Migratórios” (Social Interpretive Research and the Study of Migratory Phenomena). Presentation at the International Course “International migrations in Latin America: new tendencies and challenges” organized by Prof. Dr. María del Carmen Villarreal Villamar, International Relations and Global South Research Group, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Online, October 8th.

Eva Bahl & Arne Worm: “Situating violence in migration processes: The explanatory power of biographical case studies”. Presentation at the Workshop “Comparative Forced Migration and Refugee Studies – reflexive, postcolonial, international”, organised by the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS), Osnabrück University. Online, September 28th.

Gabriele Rosenthal: “Fieldwork and biographical research in the Global South: Benefits, opportunities and challenges” at the 1st International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Spatial Methods, hosted by the University of Botswana in Gaborone, Botswana. Online, September 25th.

Arne Worm: “Fluchtforschung ohne ‚Flüchtlinge‘? Prozesssoziologische Perspektiven auf Migrationen im Kontext von (kollektiver) Gewalt und bewaffneten Konflikten”. Presentation at the Institute for Social Research, University of Frankfurt. Online, July 6th.

Eva Bahl & Arne Worm: “Transnational inequalities in various figurations: Migration and Mobility in/from Morocco and Syria”. Digital lecture series “Global Inequality and Local Conceptions of the Future”, Global Centre of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability, TU Berlin/Online, June 22nd.

Lucas Cé Sangalli: “Migration in the Americas – Haitian Migration to (and through) Brazil, 10 Years After”, Seminar “Migration in den Amerikas – historische und aktuelle Entwicklungen” by Karlotta Bahnsen & Dr. Fabio Santos (MA Lateinamerika-Institut & Global History), Free University of Berlin. Online, June 7th 2021.

Sevil Çakır-Kılınçoğlu: “Fragile statuses, fragile souls? Interviewing Kurdish migrant women in Germany”, International Conference & Spring meeting of the DGS section “Migration and Ethnic Minorities” on “The Fragility of Global Migration”, University of Goettingen/Online, May 20th.

Johannes Becker, Hendrik Hinrichsen, Arne Worm: “Fragilities of refugee migration from a biographical and figurational perspective”, International Conference & Spring meeting of the DGS section “Migration and Ethnic Minorities” on “The Fragility of Global Migration”, University of Goettingen/Online, May 21st.

Eva Bahl & Lucas Cé Sangalli: “Different Ways of Living Transnational Motherhood: A Contrastive Comparison of Women who Migrated to (and through) Brazil and Morocco.”, Digital Spring conference of the Development Sociology/Social Anthropology Section (ESSA) of the German Sociological Association “Revisiting Migration with a Special Focus on the Global South”, Fulda University of Applied Sciences/Online, May 7th.

Maria do Carmos dos Santos Goncalves: "Hatice’s Tears: Migrants from Turkey in Brazil", 4th ISA Forum of Sociology "Challenges of the 21st century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality", PUCRS Porto Alegre/Online, February 24th.

Lucas Cé Sangalli: "We- and Self-Presentations of Refugees from Sudan in Germany: How Ethnic Belonging Shapes Life Stories", 4th ISA Forum of Sociology "Challenges of the 21st century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality", PUCRS Porto Alegre/Online, February 24th.

Arne Worm: "Becoming a Refugee and the Politics of Participation. a Biographical and Figurational Perspective.", 4th ISA Forum of Sociology "Challenges of the 21st century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality", PUCRS Porto Alegre/Online, February 24th.

Sevil Çakır Kılınçoğlu: "The Life Histories of Political Activists: The Cases of Kurdish Refugees in Germany", 4th ISA Forum of Sociology "Challenges of the 21st century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality", PUCRS Porto Alegre/Online, February 25th.

Lucas Cé Sangalli & Victoria Taboada Gómez: "Online Interviews with People in the “Global South”: Processes of Arranging the Setting of Interviews in Times of Covid-19", 4th ISA Forum of Sociology "Challenges of the 21st century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality", PUCRS Porto Alegre/Online, February 26th.

Johannes Becker & Arne Worm: "Soci(ologic)al Distance? – Challenges of Biographical Research in Times of the Pandemic", 4th ISA Forum of Sociology "Challenges of the 21st century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality", PUCRS Porto Alegre/Online, February 28th.

Eva Bahl: "Ending up in Brazil – Leaving Situations of Collective Violence As a Long-Term Process"", 4th ISA Forum of Sociology "Challenges of the 21st century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality", PUCRS Porto Alegre/Online, February 28th.

Eva Bahl: „Migrant*innen in Brasilien zu Zeiten der Coronapandemie – Reflexionen aus einem soziologischen Forschungsprojekt“, MA Seminar „Krisendiskurse in Lateinamerika. Perspektiven linguistischer Analysen im Zeitalter der Digital Humanities“ by Dr. Teresa Gruber and Patricia de Crignis, University of Munich (LMU). Online, January 21st.

Eva Bahl: "Von gelöschten Voice-Nachrichten und Verbindungsproblemen – Biographische Perspektiven auf Migrationsverläufe (auch) in Corona-Zeiten", Research Seminar by Prof. Dr. Lisa Riedner and Prof. Dr. Reiner Keller, University of Augsburg. Online, December 7th.

Arne Worm: "Refuge[es] in various figurations: Biographical approaches to migration and belonging", Presentation at the "Eurocompetence" session (Euroculture MA), University of Göttingen, November 26th.

Eva Bahl: „Biografías transnacionales precarias: Reflexiones de un proyecto de investigación sobre migrantes en Brasil y Alemania“, V Ciclo de Conferencias: Diseño de investigación social: experiencias, desafías y oportunidades, Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco, Chile. Online, November 11th.

Eva Bahl and Arne Worm: „Looking back and following up“ – Biographische Zugänge zur Prozessualität transnationaler Flucht- und Migrationsverläufe, 40th Congress of the German Sociological Association (DGS), online, September 21st.

Sevil Çakır-Kılınçoğlu: “Resistance Practices of Immigrants: Organizing in Exile”, Exile-Flight-Persecution International Conference, Göttingen University, Nov. 28-30.

Lucas Cé Sangalli: “Cursos Migratórios do Sudão para a Europa: uma abordagem processual-biográfica das migrações no Norte da África” (Migration courses from Sudan to Europe: a processual and biographical approach to migrations in the North of Africa), Research Seminar by Prof. Dr. Helion Póvoa Neto at the Interdisciplinary Migration Study Group (NIEM), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 31st.

Videobotschaft an das ZSM Online-Forum "Qualitative Bildungs- und Sozialforschung in Zeiten von COVID-19" von Arne Worm: "Wenn ich an qualitative Sozial- und Bildungsforschung und Covid-19 denke, dann..." .

Rosenthal et al. (2020): Research Report: Migrants, especially Refugees, in Brazil, the Middle East, Africa and Western Europe in Times of Covid-19