Elena Rebecca Cotroneo
Elena Rebecca Cotroneo was born in Milay (Italy) in 1994. She studied Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at the University of Milan, where she obtained her master’s degree in 2019. Her master thesis was on the synthesis and characterization of linear and cyclic depsipeptides. During her studies in Italy, she also worked on peptide-induced enantioselective catalysis, and on peptide analogues. She moved to Göttingen in the fall of 2020 to join the Diederichsen group to pursue a doctorate on peptides and peptide analogues for biological application. She then joined the Simeth group in winter of 2021, expanding her research field also to photosensitive compounds.Her life definitely doesn’t revolve only around chemistry, but in the (little) spare time she has, she also enjoys biking around the city, jogging, and bouldering. Her favorite beer is IPA, and you can find her having one at her favorite place in town, Dots. And, talking about beer, she is also an active member of the Göttingen Pint of Science Organizational Team! When the weather is too harsh, she prefers hiding inside, drinking Earl Grey and possibly enjoying a chill boardgame night with her friends. But not with Elisa, because she always very annoyingly wins…
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0388-8626Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=q5M-YjkAAAAJ&hl=de
[3] N Mougios, ER Cotroneo, N Imse, J Setzke, SO Rizzoli, NA Simeth, R Tsukanov, F Opazo, 2024. NanoPlex: a universal strategy for fluorescence microscopy multiplexing using nanobodies with erasable signals. Nature Communications, 15(1), p.8771.
previously as pre-print: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.18.585511
[2] I Lāce, ER Cotroneo, N Hesselbarth, NA Simeth, 2023, Artificial peptides to induce membrane denaturation and disruption and modulate membrane composition and fusion, Journal of Peptide Sciences, 5 (29), e3466.
[1] BP Corbet, JM Schlüter, ER Cotroneo, S Crespi, NA Simeth, 2023, Peptide Conjugated Dihydroazulene/Vinylheptafulvene Photoswitches in Aqueous Environment, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1 (26), e202201140.