Anusheh Bakht Aziz

Anusheh Bakht Aziz is a Phd candidate at the Centre of Modern Indian Studies. Her research project, preliminarily titled "The “Mill Girl” Reappears: Factory Regimes of Young Unmarried Women in the Global Textile and Apparel Industry" investigates the utilization of age, gender and unmarried status of the workers in the establishment of wage relations across a variety of factory regimes in the textile and apparel industry. The utilization of this constellation of statuses has enabled a historically persistent pattern of employment in the textile industry which has gained new salience in the era of globalization.

Anusheh completed her M.A. from CeMIS in 2023. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and Economics from Lahore School of Economics. Her research interests include: history of labour relations, gender history, social and economic history