Review process and Publication

Review process
Papers can be provided in German or English und should fit to the style sheet. Papers should not exceed a total length of 12 pages (full version), unless the specific track/sub-conference provides its own rules.

All contributions will be reviewed at least double-blind by a program comitee. Please remove name, adress etc. from the submitted papers and also meta-data from the submitted Word- / PDF-documents.

Download of style sheet

Papers can only be submitted within one track/one sub-conference.


If not announced separately with the track/the sub-conference, accepted papers will be published as short version (2 pages) in the proceedings, published by the Göttinger Universitätsverlag and the full versions of accepted papers will be stored on CD which will be part of the proceedings. Additionally, the full versions of accepted papers will be made available in the publication repository of the State- and University-Library of Göttingen and will be linked within the literature reference systems.

Publishing of an accepted paper in the proceedings requires at least one of the authors attending the MKWI 2010 and paying the conference fee.