Development of Web Applications

- B.WIWI-WIN.0005 -

Study course for Bachelor Programs

Short Overview

What? How?
Frequency Every winter semester
Type of Course Project seminar
Exam Prerequisites Programming tasks, written exam and compulsory attendance at all seminar dates
Examination Development of a prototypical web application and presentation with a written elaboration
Credits 6+6 ECTS
Participation Prerequisites None
Recommended knowledge:
Module "Management of Information Systems",
Module "Programming Language Java"


The development of application-driven web sites (eg auctions, web shops, communities, etc.) differs from the "classic" client-server development both in terms of requirements (eg in terms of scalability or security issues) as well as in terms of the technologies used (web server, browser, application server, etc.). The aim of the course is to give an insight into the development and the operation of such system. Based on this, a section of a database-based web application is to be devised in small groups (4-5 students each) and implemented with the help of an appropriate development environment.

Study Goals, Project Conception and Implementation:

After successful participation, the students are able to

  • describe the fundamentals of web application development and define different classifications of web applications,

  • identify and assess security-relevant aspects of web applications,

  • identify and assess the range of use of frameworks in the development of web applications,

  • analyze and critically question the implementation of web applications,

  • conceptually model and develop web applications,

  • organize and execute complex development projects in teams.

Study Goals, Project Documentation:

After successful participation, the students are able to

  • document the design and development process of a web application in the context of a complex development project,

  • document a web-based application system,

  • present the results of a development project.

Date Overview

What? When and Where?
Registration In October via Stud.IP (see eCampus)
Seminar Wednesdays, from the first lecture week 9:00 -12:00 (in-person at ZHG005)


Leonie Kopahs

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5

37073 Göttingen

Tel. +49 551 39-29737
