Block Course "Introduction to Scientific Work"
In this compact course of two to three afternoons, students will learn how to write a scientific working paper and a thesis (bachelor or master). They will learn how to structure their paper / thesis and find a central topic, as well as how to retrieve, evaluate and use literature. Lastly, they learn how to turn in a formally correct piece of work. This course is directed at all Management Economics students (no focus on Business Information Systems). This course should not only be seen as a preparation for a seminar, but also for a Bachelor or Master thesis.
An overview of the topics covered can be found here.
Learning Targets
After participating in the course, you should:
- know what it means to work scientifically,
- be able to systematically build and structure your papers,
- efficiently search for literature, and
- write scientific papers in an appropriate style and formal correctness.
This is an intensive course consisting of two to three days on which the topics will be discussed using many practical examples. No credit points or credits are awarded. Participation is restricted to 25 persons.
If you would like to participate in the course, please register with your matriculation number and field of study by sending an email to Michael Groth. Participants of the seminar on topics of Business and Economics will be given preference and do not need to register.
No credits are awarded.

Chair of Application Systems and E-Business
Michael Groth
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5
37073 Göttingen
Tel. 0551 39-26056