
  • 2009 - A Sea of Environmental Refugees? Oceania in an Age of Climate Change. In Elfriede Hermann, Karin Klenke und Michael Dickhardt (Hg) Form, Macht Differenz: Motive und Felder ethnologischen Forschens, pp. 191-205. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen.

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  • 2008 - Reclaiming Male Power: Myth, Morality, and Modernity in a Papua New Guinean Society. In S. Dunis (ed) Sexual Snakes, Winged Maidens and Sky Gods. Myth in the Pacific. An Essay in Cultural Transparency, pp. 225-238. Nouméa and Pape'ete: Le Rocher-à-la-Voile and Haere Po.

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  • 2008 - Neuguinea: Lokale Kulturen – Globale Einbindungen. In I. De Castro, K. Lembke und U. Menter (Hg.) Paradiese der Südsee. Mythos und Wirklichkeit, pp. 69-79. Hildesheim und Mainz: Roemer- und Pelizaeus Museum GmbH Hildesheim und Verlag Philipp von Zabern.

  • 2008 - Mobility, Modernisation and Agency: The Life Story of John Kikang from Papua New Guinea. In Brij V. Lal and Vicki Luker (eds): Telling Pacific Lives: Prisms of Process, pp. 51-67. Canberra: ANU E Press.

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  • 2007 - Le premier festival des Arts du Pacifique Sud revisité: Fabriquer de l'authenticité et le cas des Banabans. In Barbara Glowczewski et Rosita Henry (eds): Le défi indigène: Entre spectacle et politique, pp. 221-233. Courbevoie/Paris: Editions Aux Lieux d'Etre.

  • 2007 - (mit Anne DiPiazza and Erik Pearthree): Mapping Oceania Past and Present: Movements, Geographies, Identities. Journal de la Société des Océanistes 125: 209-212.

  • 2005 - (mit Elfriede Hermann): Introduction to Relations in Multicultural Fiji: The Dynamics of Articulations, Transformations and Positionings. In Elfriede Hermann and Wolfgang Kempf (guest eds): Relations in Multicultural Fiji: Transformations, Positionings and Articulations. Oceania 75 (4): 309-324.

  • 2005 - (mit Elfriede Hermann): Reconfigurations of Place and Ethnicity: Positionings, Performances, and Politics of Relocated Banabans in Fiji. In Elfriede Hermann and Wolfgang Kempf (guest eds): Relations in Multicultural Fiji: Transformations, Positionings and Articulations. Oceania 75 (4): 368-386.

  • 2005 - (and T. Teai) Banaban Routes and Roots A Dialogue. In J. Shennan and M. Corrie Tekenimatang (eds): One and a Half Pacific Islands: Stories the Banaban People Tell of Themselves, pp. 124 127. Wellington: Victoria University Press.

  • 2004 - The Drama of Death as Narrative of Survival: Dance Theatre, Travelling and Thirdspace among the Banabans of Fiji. In Toon Van Meijl and Jelle Miedema (eds): Shifting Images of Identity in the Pacific, pp. 159-189. Leiden: KITLV Press.

  • 2003 - "Songs Cannot Die": Ritual Composing and the Politics of Emplacement among the Resettled Banabans on Rabi Island in Fiji. The Journal of the Polynesian Society 112 (1):33-64.

  • 2003 - Räumliche Überlagerungen: Die kulturelle Konstruktion der Insel Rabi als neues Heimatland der diasporischen Banabans in Fiji. In B. Hauser Schäublin und M. Dickhardt (Hg): Kulturelle Räume - räumliche Kultur. Zur Neubestimmung des Verhältnisses zweier fundamentaler Kategorien menschlicher Praxis, pp. 133-170. Hamburg: LIT Verlag.

  • 2002 - The Politics of Incorporation: Masculinity, Spatiality and Modernity among the Ngaing of Papua New Guinea. Oceania 73(1): 56 77.

  • 1996 - Das Innere des Äußeren: Ritual, Macht und Historische Praxis bei den Ngaing in Papua Neuguinea. Berlin: Reimer Verlag.