Louismongkol Sapkul

Nationality: Thai

Home Uni: Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Germany Wise 2007/2008
Host Uni: Uppsala Universitet, Uppsala, Sweden SuSe 2008

Education Background:
Bachelor: International Relations

Master Thesis Topic:
The Case of the Bronze Statue: Politics of Memory and Memorials. Completed in 2009

Internship (Time, place, description)
Place: Krakowskie Biuro Festiwalowe (Krakow Festival Office)
Supervisor: Barbara Orzechowska
Contact details: Ul. Olszańska 7 31513 Kraków Poland

Further information:
"the best case is that students should be able to understand or willing to learn basic Polish. Application should be sent to poczta@biurofestiwalowe.pl ”