ECKLON, Christian Friedrich 1795 - 1868
born: Apenrade (Åbenrå) died: Cape town
Moved to Capeland as pharmacist in 1823. Later only active as plant (and animal) collector. Collected in South Africa between 1823 - 28 and 1829 - 33 (worked together with ZEYHER for part of this time). Between 1833 - 38 he revised his own collection in Hamburg. Finally moved back to Cape Town.

Biography: Bonplandia 5: 353 - 354. 1857.
FISCHER - BENZON 1889: 14.
Dict. S. Afr. Biogr. 1: 273 - 274. 1968.
BAUR 1970: 244 - 245.
GUNN & CODD 1981: 144-147, 388 seqq.
Herbarium: Private herbarium; partly in KIEL, best part of the South African collection is in S
(see also the J. S. Afr. Bot. 38: 277 - 298. 1972 and Taxon 29: 279 - 291. 1980).
GOET: South Africa (acc. 1834, 1841, following A. DE CANDOLLE 1880 1500 Nr.).

Revisions by: C.F. ECKLON & C. ZEYHER 1835 - 37: Enumeratio plantarum Africae australis
extratropicae. Hamburg. (Specimens refered to here carry the number of the
Enumeratio. Collection data have not been recorded on the original labels, however,
in GOET these data have been added, using the Enumeratio.).

EGELING, Gustav 1858 -
born: Kassel died: later as 1922 in ? Ponce
Pharmacist and botanist. Moved to the USA in 1889, later moved to Mexico and Portorico.

Biography: GRUMMANN 1974.
GOET: USA, Texas 1882 / 83, Georgia 1885 (Hb. Pae.).

EGGERS, Heinrich (Henrik) Franz Alexander, Baron von 1844 - 1903
born: Schleswig died: Leipzig
Officer, (mostly) in Danish service, in the Danish Antilles from 1869 to 1887. Botanist and plant collector (esp. in St. Croix, St. Thomas, St. Domingo, the Bahamas, Cuba as well as in Venezuela and Ecuador).

Biography: Symb. Ant. 3: 40 - 43. 1902.
Dansk Biogr. Leks. ed. 3. 4: 119 - 120. 1980.
Herbarium: C
GOET: West Indies: "Flora Indiae occid. exs." 1880 - 1888 (partly edited by TOEPFFER)
(partly Herb. Pae.), "Flora von Westindien" 1889 / 90, comm. RENSCH (Herb.

Notes: H. EGGERS 1892: Die Bahama-Inseln. Globus 62: 209-214.

EGGERT, Heinrich Karl Daniel 1841 - 1904
born: Osterwieck died: East St. Louis, Ill.
Teacher in Magdeburg. Emigrated to the USA in 1873, where he worked in the newspaper business. Plant collector.

Biography: SARGENT, Silva N. Amer. 13: 51 - 52. 1902.
GOET: Central Germany 1868 / 69 (Hb. Roth). USA "Herbarium Americanum: St Louis".

EHRENBERG, Carl August 1801 - 1849
born: Delitzsch near Leipzig died: Berlin
Merchant, plant collector and botanist (cacti specialist). Collected specimens on St. Thomas, Haiti and in Mexico. Christian Gottfried EHRENBERG's brother.

Biography: Bot. Jahrb. 24, Beibl. 58: 3 - 15. 1897.
Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 10: 138 - 143. 1900.
Symb. Ant. 3: 42 -44. 1902.
Herbarium: B (†), HAL
GOET: Bryophytes from Mexico (Hb. Solms).

EHRENBERG, Christian Gottfried 1795 - 1876
born: Delitzsch near Leipzig died: Berlin
Naturalist (main interests in protists). Prof. at the Univeristy of Berlin. 1820 - 26; large journey through the Orient (North Africa and western Asia).

Biography: RATZEBURG 1874.
HANSTEIN 1877: Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg. Bonn.
LAUE, M. 1895: Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg. Berlin.
STRESEMANN, E. 1954: Hemprich und Ehrenberg. Reisen zweier
naturforschender Freunde im Orient...Abh. Deutsch. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Kl. Math.
Allg. Naturw. 1954, Nr. 1.
NDB 4: 349 - 350. 1959.
POGGENDORFF, Handwörterb. 7a, Suppl. 175 - 178. 1971.
Dict. Scient. Biogr. 4: 288 - 292. 1971.
Centaurus 25: 166 - 188. 1981.
Herbarium: B (†)
GOET: A few specimens: Syria, Arabia, Egypt (Hb. Gris.).

EHRHART, Jakob Friedrich 1742 - 1795
born: Holderbank/Aargau died: Hanover
Botanist (florist and systematist, important contribution to the understanding of cryptogams). Pharmacy training in Nürnberg, Erlangen, Hanover and Sweden. Studied in Uppsala, 1773 - 76 (LINNÉ's student). Court botanist in (Hanover -) "Herrenhausen" from 1780. Several exsiccate were produced during this period.

Biography: F:ALPERS 1905: Friedrich Ehrhart. Mitteilungen aus seinem Leben und seinen
Schriften. = Separate Schriften des Vereins für Naturkunde an der Unterweser 2.
Leipzig (also included his autobiography, previously printed in:
Ann. Bot., Usteri 19: 1 - 9. 1796 and Bonplandia 6: 226 - 229. 1858).
NDB 4: 358 - 359. 1959.
Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 36: 117 - 154. 1926.
Taxon 24: 469 - 474. 1975 (bibliogr.).
Taxon 25: 305 - 322. 1976 (collaboration on"Suppl. Pl.").
DÖRFELT & HEKLAU 998: 337.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 92-93.
Huntia 11: 137-147. 2003 (specimens at MW).
Herbarium: GOET, MW (see also PAVLOV et al. 1978). Comments: The herbarium was bought
by the royal house of Hanover and then given over to the University of Göttingen.
The stock in Moscow (MW) was evidently taken there from Göttingen by G:F:
HOFFMANN. In 1824 he drew up an index of the herbarium, an extremely rare
publication (copy in GOET).
GOET: Göttingen's EHRHART - herbarium is, at least in part, labelled as being so. A
further part comes from G.F.W. MEYER's herbarium, and other specimens of
EHRHART's plants were sold off with the Herrenhausen herbarium. Alongside the
specimens from EHRHART from Sweden and north Germany, the herbarium
includes specimens from other collectors. Exsiccatae from EHRHART: included in
the main collection are: "Phytophylacium", "Calamariae, Gramina et Tripetaloideae",
"Plantae selectae hortuli proprii", "Plantae officinales." Separate (not complete):
"Plantae cryptogamae Linneae."

EIBEN, Christian Eberhard 1833 - 1895
born: Burhafe / East Friesland died: Aurich
Seminar teacher in Aurich. Botanist (particulary cryptogams).

Biography: KOPPE 1964: 252.
Herbarium: (cryptogams) GOET: Bryophytes: Extensive moss herbarium (several collectors, a
few collections from east Friesland). "Ostfrieslands Laubmoose" 1st - 4th edition.
Aurich 1866 - 1870.
Lichens: 1 fascicle. Algae: "Diatomeen Ostfrieslands" 100 Nr., also fungi.

EINSELE, August Max 1803 - 1870
born: Munich died: Murnau
Doctor in upper Bavaria. Worked in several areas including; Garmisch, Füssen, Berchtesgaden, Tegernsee. 1836 - 42; prof. at the "Baderschule" in Landshut. Spent his retirement in Tölz and Murnau. Interests included the flora of southern Bavaria. Bryologist.

Biography: Ber. Bot. Ver. Landshut 3: 65 - 176. 1871.
Herbarium: Landshut (Bot. Verein, still in existence?)
GOET: Bavaria, 1854 - 56 (in F. SCHULTZ, Herb. Norm.).


GOET: Corsica (ed. SIEBER, without collector's name.) See also BRIQUET, J. 1910,
Prodr. Fl. Corse 1: LVI.

ELLENBERG, Heinz 1913 - 1997
born: Harburg / Elbe died: Göttingen
Botanist (ecology and vegetational science). Lecturer at the agricultural college, Hohenheim. Prof. at the state institute for general botany in Hamburg and at the Geobotanical Institute, Rübel foundation, ETH Zürich (1958 - 66). Ordinary prof. at the University of Göttingen from 1966 (chair of geobotany). Excursions to Turkey (1938), several trips to Iceland and South America.

Biography: GRUMMANN 1974.
KÜRSCHNER ed. 13. 1980.
Tuexenia 3: 9-29. 1983.
Verh. Ges. Ökol. 11: 9-25. 1983.
Bot. Helvet. 100: 370. 1990.
Naturschutz & Landschaftspfl. 29(6): 165. 1997.
Phytocoenologia 27: 457-462. 1997.
Flor. Rundbr. 31: 81. 1998.
Jahresh. Ges. Naturk. Württemberg 154: 285-290.
Jahrb. Akad. Wiss. Göttingen 1998: 239-246. 2000.
Herbarium: B (Turkey, only partly maintained), GOET.
GOET: Peru 1957, 1970 / 71, 1978. Ecuador, Argentina and Chile 1970 / 71. Bolivia 1976,
1978. North Yemen 1981.

ENDRESS, Philipp Anton Christoph 1806 - 1831
born: Lustenau near Ellwangen died: Strasbourg
Having trained as a pharmacist, he worked as collector for the "Unio itineraria" in the Pyrenees.

Biography: Ann. Sci. Nat. [sér. I] 25: 225 - 242. 1832.
K. BAUR 1970: 247.
Taxon 22: 389 - 390. 1973.
GOET: South France, Pyrenees, 1829 - 31 (mostly labelled with "U.i. = Unio itineraria". Hb.
Gris., Roth, Vo.). Also algae (from Biarritz).

(Diplom) engineer, Dr.

Herbarium: B
GOET: Triest, 1886 - 90 (hb. Pae., Vo.).

ENGELKE, Josef 1890 - 1914
born: Hockeln near Hildesheim died: near Ypern during WWI
Botanist, studied in Freiburg i. Br., Strasbourg, Kiel and Göttingen.

Biography: Curriculum vitae included in dissertation (see below).
WAGENITZ 1988: 53.
GOET: Fungi, from the Harz and surrounding areas (1911 - 12).

Revision by: J. ENGELKE 1913: "Die Askomyceten, Hemibasidii and Oomyceten des
Oberharzes und seines nordwestlichen Vorlandes". Ph.D thesis, Göttingen

ENGELMANN, Georg (George) 1809 - 1884
born: Frankfurt am Main. died: St. Louis, Missouri
Studied medicine and botany. Moved to North America in 1832. Looked into possibilities of buying land (on behalf of his uncle), in connection with botanical excursions. Doctor in St. Louis from 1825. Co - worker of A. GRAY. Promoted botanical excursions. Encouraged H. SHAW to fund the herbarium and garden in St. Louis ("Missouri Botanical Garden"). As systematist; monographer of the genus Cuscuta, wrote revisions of several complicated North American genera.

Biography: Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 2: XII - XI. 1884.
Bot. Gaz. 9: 69 - 74. 1884. (Bibliography).
Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 11: 38 - 41. 1884.
Proceed. Amer. Acad. Sci. 19: 516 - 522. 1884.
HUMPHREY 1961: 81 - 83.
Bull. Missouri Bot. Gard., St. Louis 56 (6): 10 - 17. 1968.
Candollea 29: 493 - 494. 1974.
EWAN 1981: 70.
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 73: 508-519. 1986.
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 75: 1608-1636. 1988 (on the types at MO).
Herbarium: MO
GOET: USA, areas surrounding St. Louis, 1841 - 45 (hb. Gris.). Edit.: "Herbarium
Juncorum Boreali - Americanorum" 1868, various collectors (Hb. Gris.).

ENGLER, Heinrich Gustav Adolf 1844 - 1930
born: Sagan died: Berlin
Botanist, leading german systematist and plant-geographer of his time. Prof. in Kiel (1878 - 84), Breslau (1884 - 89) and Berlin (from 1889). Director of the Berlin botanical gardens and museum.

Biography: Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 48: (146) - (163). 1931.
Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 73: 100 - 104. 1931.
J. Bot., London 68: 375 - 377. 1930.
Candollea 29: 495 - 496. 1974.
Englera 1. 1979.
H.-W. LACK 2000: Adolf Engler – Die Welt in einem Garten. München etc.
Herbarium: B (†)
GOET: A few specimens from central Europe. "Araceae": Stencilled markings, partly with
herbarium specimens from cultivated plants.

EPLING, Carl Clawson 1894 - 1968
born: Wawerley, Ill. died: Los Angeles
Lecturer, i.e. prof. at the University of California, Los Angeles. Botanist (systematist, especially interested in the American Labiatae).

Biography: Taxon 19: 88 - 92. 1970.
EWAN 1981.
Herbarium: UC
GOET: California, 1929 - 39 (with L. ELLISON). Mohave desert, 1930 (with H.


ERICHSEN, Christian Friedo Eckhard 1867 - 1945
born: Knifzig, Tondern district died: Hamburg
1890 - 1931 teacher at a primary school ("Volksschule") in Hamburg. Lichenologist and Rubus specialist.

Biography: Schrift. Naturw. Ver. Schleswig-Holst. 18: 446 - 447. 1928.
Willdenowia 1: 180 - 188. 1954.
Herbarium: HBG
GOET: Lichens: a few specimens from around Göttingen.

ERVENDBERG, Christian Friedrich Ludwig Cachand 1809 - 1863
born; Rhoden (Hessen) died: Wartenberg (Mexico)
First german priest in Texas: 1839 - 44 in Houston, 1844 - 55 in New Braunfels and later in Wartenberg, Mexico where he collected plants.

Biography: German Amer. Ann. N.S. 7: 236 - 237, 246 - 247. 1909.
S. W. GEISER 1948: Naturalists of the frontier. ed. 2. Dallas.
GOET: Mexico, 1858 / 59 (Hb. Gris.).

Revisions by: A. GRAY 1861: Proceed. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 5: 174 - 190.

ESCHSCHOLTZ, Johann Friedrich von 1793 - 1831
born and died in Dorpat
Explorer, zoologist. Took part on both world voyages under KOTZEBUE (with A. v. CHAMISSO - discoverer of the alternation of generations in Salps). Prof. of anatomy and director of the zoological cabinets in Dorpat.

Biography: Fl. Males. ser. I. 1: 157. 1950.
NDB 4: 650 - 651. 1959.
Deutschbalt. Biogr. Lex. 199 - 200. 1970.
Dict. Sci. Biogr. 4: 406 - 407. 1971.
Candollea 29: 497 - 498. 1974.
Herbarium: LE
GOET: A few specimens (Cyclophorus varius, Lathyrus maritimus, Plantago princeps).