VACCARI, Antonio 1868 -

GOET: Italy, ca. 1883 - 94, Sardinia 1893 (Hb. Vo.).

VAHL, Jens Laurentius Moestue 1796 - 1854
born and died in Copenhagen
Botanist. Explored Greenland from 1828 - 36, Spitzbergen 1838 / 39. Scientific co-worker at the botanical museum in Copenhagen. M. VAHL's son.
Biography: Bot. Tidskr. 12: 182 - 183. 1881.
Dansk Biogr. Leks. ed. 2. 25: 3 - 4. 1943.
Herbarium: C
GOET: Greenland (Hb. Gris.).

VATKE, Georg Carl Wilhelm 1849 - 1889
born and died in Berlin
Botanist, assistant at the botanical gardens in Berlin from 1876 - 1879. Later private scholar.

Biography: Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 7: (21) - (24). 1889.
Englera 1. 1979.
Herbarium: JE
GOET: Germany, Austria (Hb. Pae., Roth).

VERDOORN, Frans 1906 - 1984
born: Amsterdam died: Utrecht
Botanist (bryologist hepaticologist), biohistorian and publisher ("Chronica Botanica"). 1940 – 1958;
in the USA, director of the biohistorical institute at the University of Utrecht since 1958.

Biography: Regn. Veget. 71: XV - XXII. 1970 ("Essays in Biohistory", Festschrift
Taxon 33: 802. 1984.
Herbarium: BM (Musci), FH (Hepaticae)
GOET: "Hepaticae selectae et criticae". Ser. I - XI. (550 Nr.) 1930 - 39. Edit. F.
VERDOORN. Collected by VERDOORN: ca. 140 Nr. from Malaysia (esp. Java),
1930; 16 Nr. Ireland, 1935.

VERLOT, Jean Baptiste 1825 - 1891
born: Longvic (Côte d'Or) died: Grenoble
Garden inspector at the botanical garden in Grenoble. Botanist.

Biography: Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 38(Rev. Bibl.): 47. 1891.
ASCH. & GR. 6(1): 795. 1904.
GOET: Dauphiné (acc. 1847, Hb. Bg.).

VIGENER, Anton 1840 - 1921
born: Attendorf / Westphalia died: Wiesbaden
Pharmacist. Worked in several areas including St. Tönis and Biebrich a. Rh., later in Wiesbaden
where he lived off independent means. Botanist.

Biography: Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. 74: XIX - XXII. 1922.
Herbarium: Museum in Wiesbaden
GOET: Rheinhesse, Rhein province, ca. 1873 - 96 (Hb. Pae. as well as others).

VOCKE, Adolf 1821 - 1901
born: Magdeburg died: Nordhausen
Gardener in several areas including at the botanical gardens in Breslau, in Nordhausen (in about
1860), where he set up a garden nursery. Later was only active as a botanist. A. VOCKE & C.
ANGELRODT 1886: Flora von Nordhausen. Berlin.

Biography: K. KELLNER 1980 in Beitr. Heimatkunde Stadt u. Kreis Nordhausen 5: 31- 32.
Herbarium: GOET (extensive herbarium), collections from several areas including from southern
Harz, Central Germany, Berlin / Mark Brandenburg, Alsace 1851 / 52, Poland
1857. Also bryophytes and cryptogams.


GOET: Berlin, Mark Brandenburg, Dessau, ca. 1877 (Hb. Pet., Roth, Vo.).

VOLGER, Christiane 1917 -
born: Oldenburg i. Old.
The first woman in Germany to study forestry. Student helper at the institute for forestry in
Hann. - Münden from 1939 - 43. Ph. D at the forestry faculty in 1968. Prof. at the institute for
forestry at the university of Göttingen since 1972.

Biography: Personal communication from the institute.
GOET: Harz, 1941 (Hb. Inst. Waldbau).

VOLKENS, Georg Ludwig August 1855 - 1917
born and died in Berlin
Botanist (anatomy, systematics). Lecturer at Berlin University. Curator of the Berlin botanical
gardens and museum (head of the central botanical branch for the colonies). Collected in several
areas including in Egypt and Kilimanjaro (Tansania).

Biography: Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 59: 1 - 23. 1918.
Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 35: (65) - (82). 1918.
Englera 1. 1979.
Herbarium: B (†)
GOET: A few specimens from Egypt, 1885 (Hb. Pae.).

VOS, André de see DEVOS, André

VULPIUS, Friedrich Wilhelm 1801 - 1892
born: Pforzheim died: Kreuzlingen
Pharmacist and botanist (flora). Political refugee in Switzerland and America after 1833. Lived as
private scholar in Switzerland and in Müllheim and Kreuzlingen in Baden. Particular research
interests included the flora of Grand Ballon (Großer Belchen, Vosges).

Biography: Mitt. Bad. Bot. Ver. 105: 41 - 44; 110/111: 89 - 105. 1893.
GOET: A few specimens from Switzerland. (Wallis).