
Narratives of Europe; Narratives for Europe

Title of the event Narratives of Europe; Narratives for Europe
Series The Cologne International Lectures
Organizer The Cologne International Lectures
Type of event Vortrag
Category Campus Leben
Registration required Nein
Details In the light of the elections for European Parliament, this lecture series focuses on views on European Integration within the EU member states. We want to look at the development of master narratives accompanying and supporting the individual countries‘ way into and stance within the European Union. The most powerful drivers of the European Integration process were common and individual political and economic interests of the single member states. The highly individual constellations of interests, combined with the respective national historical background, led to very different “master narratives”, which formed the backbone of public debate on the EU and European integration in the single member states. In this sense narratives provide a simplified image of reality. Their analysis is based on the assumption that narratives play a critical role in the construction of political behaviour insofar as they affect our perceptions of political reality.

They shape the cognitive and normative dimensions of problems in order to persuade and suggest what action should be taken, and they reflect the variety of emotional and affective dimensions of a European identity.

This lecture series attempts a survey of these different narratives across EU member states, focusing on both differences and common traits, inspired by the hope that an increased awareness of these narratives and expectations increases and improves mutual understanding within the EU.

Lectures will be held by eminent experts and scholars from prestigious Universities throughout Europe.
Date Start: 25.06.2019, 18:00 Uhr
Ende: 25.06.2019 , 19:30 Uhr
Location Zülpicher Str. 77, 50937 Köln; Annex building Physics (326); Seminar Room 0.03
Contact 21322
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