Einführung in die chinesische Wirtschaft
Veranstaltungsnummer: 456235
Veranstaltungsart: Vorlesung und Seminar
Kurztext: V/S
Modul: B.OAW.MS.06
Dozent: Eaton, Sarah
SWS: 2
Credit Points: 3
Semester: SoSe 2011
Studienjahr: BA1
Unterrichtssprache: Englisch
Einführungsveranstaltung: 13. April, 12 Uhr
Raum: ERZ N909b
Blockveranstaltung: 24-26. Juni 2011
Raum: wird noch bekannt gegeben
This course is a brief introduction to the study of Chinese political economy in the reform era (1978-present). The course aims to develop students’ basic knowledge of the subject while also engaging them on key questions in the study of Chinese political economy including: What are the most significant historical legacies of the pre-reform period? What are the politics of economic “reform and opening” (gaige kaifang) in the early (1978-1989) and later (1989-present) periods? How is China’s “going forth“ (zou chu qu) into global markets affecting China’s own development path and those of other countries? How have the imperatives of single-party rule shaped the reform process?
Vorbereitende Lektüre:
- Barry Naughton (2007), The Chinese Economy: Transitions and Growth, Boston: MIT Press.
- Kenneth Lieberthal (2004), Governing China: From Revolution Through Reform, New York: W.W. Norton
Stand: 05.04.2011