Research projects and work in the Department of Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing

The department "Cartography, GIS & Remote Sensing" at the Institute of Geography has established the following core area of work in recent years, in which competence has been acquired and consolidated through various research projects and scientific doctorates. PhDs have been acquired and consolidated:

"Global change and assessment of terrestrial ecosystems using GIS and remote sensing".

Global Change

Current thematic work areas and research projects within this core area are:

Environmental monitoring Namibia
Environmental monitoring Namibia.

Research in Central Asia
Landscape dynamics and landscape potential for CO2 sequestration in Central Asia.

DAAD Research Project Vietnam
DAAD Project Vietnam "Subject-based partnerships with universities in developing countries" (January 2014 - December 2017)

DAAD International Summer School
DAAD Alumni Event "Education, science and cooperation between German Alumni for sustainable development and biodiversity conservation in Kenya." (Oct. 2018) DAAD alumni event "Large scale natural landscapes in Mongolia under pressure of climate change and competition for land and resources" (June 2015)

Bioenergy Villages Project
Collaborative project: Innovative concepts and business models for sustainable bioenergy villages- climate-friendly, democratic, citizen-oriented; citizen participation and residual waste utilization".

  • AG BioSTAR

  • Current partners
  • Grünlandzentrum Niedersachsen Bremen
  • Projekt Zukunftskommunen