Matthäus Fink
Personal Details Matthäus Fink is a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Public International and European Law, Georg-August University of Gottingen. In his thesis he engages in questions about the relationship of protected areas under international environmental law and international investment law. He is a research and teaching assistant at the chair of Prof. Andreas L. Paulus (University of Göttingen / Justice of the German Federal Constitutional Court) since 2009/10 and currently in parental leave. He graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Göttingen in 2009 (first state exam) with a special focus on Public International Law. He holds a Magister Legum Europae (M.L.E., University of Göttingen) for which he studied at University of Cordoba (Spain) in 2006. He successfully participated in the Jessup Moot Court as participant (2008) and as coach (2009). Since 2012 he is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Goettingen Journal of International Law (GoJIL) and part of ‘Arbeitskreis junger Völkerrechtler (AjV)’ |