Faculty of Forestry and Forest Ecology

Erasmus+ Outgoing Students

    A stay abroad at a partner university of the Faculty of Forestry with Erasmus+ offers many opportunities:

  • International orientation of the study focus
  • Getting an insight into the teaching and research of forestry at the partner university
  • Getting to know another culture
  • Acquiring cultural and social skills
  • Deepening or acquiring new language skills

This and much more offers studying in an international, forestry-oriented academic environment.

The currently existing partnerships can be viewed here.

    The following requirements are needed:

  • Enrolment at the Faculty of Forestry and Forest Ecology
  • (including the students of Ecosystem Management)
  • Knowledge of the language of study according to the requirements of the chosen partner university (at least B1, more detailed information can be found in the current calls)

    The following application documents are required for a successful application:

  • Certificate of enrolment for the semester of application
  • Overview of academic achievements
  • Language certificate/s

The application and upload of all relevant documents is done online via the erasmus portal.

More detailed information can be found on the website for Erasmus+ Outgoing students from the Göttingen International Department.

In Europe, ECTS are used as a basis for academic achievements, so that the number of ECTS completed can be directly transferable. A "Learning Agreement" determines which courses at the partner university are taken by the exchange student. This "Learning Agreement" is drawn up in agreement with both faculties so that, depending on the agreement, the courses taken can be credited.

Erasmus+ Incoming Students

Students from partner universities who wish to study in Göttingen apply at their home university and are nominated by it. Contact person for nominations of incoming students in Göttingen is the Göttingen international department.


Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator (n.n.)
Erasmus+ Advisory Service
Tim Becker
Büsgenweg 1; Room 0.134
37077 Göttingen
Phone: +49 551 3910445
E-Mail: erasmus@forst.uni-goettingen.de

Consultation Hours
Tuesday from 10:00 - 12:00 and by appointment