Participation in the exams is not possible without registration. You can find the registration and cancellation deadlines under this link abrufen. You can only register for exams under Flexnow under Registration and Cancellation!

Please bring your confirmation of enrolment with you to the exam. If you have not received a confirmation email, you are not registered!

The seating and room plans will be displayed in the respective lecture theatres before the exam begins.
Please use these plans to find your seat.

Coats, bags, electronic devices of all kinds and all watches (new) (including digital and analogue) must be deposited at the side of the stairs or at the front of the podium. You may only take writing and drawing utensils and any authorised aids to your seat. Please refer to the notice board to find out which aids are permitted.

Mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, watches (including analogue ones) and other communication systems are expressly prohibited. If these are found in your allocated place during the written examination, the examination will be marked as "failed" (5.0) and you will be notified that you have failed the examination!

The exams will be handed out to you at your seat.
To avoid any misunderstandings, fill in the exam cover sheet immediately.
You will not be able to take the exam without proof of identity. Please bring a valid student ID with you for the identity check.
The identity check will be carried out during the exam. You are not allowed to leave the room beforehand. Place your ID cards next to your seat so that you are not unnecessarily disturbed while working on the exam. Label each exam sheet with your matriculation number, there will not be enough time for this at the end!

The regular end of the exam also applies to latecomers.
Every exam started will be counted as an attempt.

If anyone present believes that they will not be able to complete the exam for health reasons, they may leave the room before it begins.
After the start, an excused cancellation is only possible if a doctor is consulted immediately and confirms that the candidate is unfit to take the examination.
The invigilator must be informed of the alleged inability to take the examination.
It is not possible to withdraw from the examination after it has been handed in - even if the doctor is involved.
Please also refer to the "Information sheet on behaviour in the event of incapacity for examination due to illness"

The written examination must be completed in its present form. Questions about the content will not be answered.
Do not staple the exam apart, as otherwise it cannot be guaranteed that your exam will be forwarded in full due to the large number of participants.

You can hand in the exam early, but not in the last 15 minutes.
You may not leave the room during the last 15 minutes. Stay in your seat until you have handed in your exam in person and all exams have been collected. You are personally responsible for the whereabouts of your exam until it has been handed in to the invigilators.

If you attempt to cheat, you can finish the exam first, but the exam will be graded as an attempt to cheat with a 5.0.
Attempted cheating includes in particular
- Carrying unauthorised aids (regardless of whether they are used);
- Spokespersons with other exam participants.

Only write with a fountain pen, ballpoint pen or felt-tip pen. Do not use pencils.
Do not use your own paper. If necessary, additional paper will be provided by the examination office.

Information on legal remedies:
An appeal against the decision on the result of the examination can be lodged within one month.