Scholarships from external organisations
Search portals
- Scholarships for gifted students (website in German only)
More information on requirements can be found here: - (website in German only)
for German students
for international students
- DAAD scholarships
- Jeff Schell Scholarship in the Bayer Fellowship Programme
(provides funding for dissertations in agricultural sciences)
Scholarships according to subject area
- The German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU) promotes research on current topics in ecology and nature conservation. The foundation only considers projects which are relevant to the environmental situation in Germany and applicants have to be proficient in German: DBU research scholarships
- The Akademie für Tiergesundheit awards two-year scholarships for research on animal health: AfT scholarships
- The Arthur und Aenne Feindt-Stiftung promotes research on topics in nutrition: Arthur und Aenne Feindt-Stiftung
- The Ausgleichsstiftung Landwirtschaft und Umwelt awards scholarships for dissertations on topics in agriculture and ecology in developing countries: Ausgleichsstiftung Landwirtschaft und Umwelt
- The H. Wilhelm-Schaumann Stiftung awards scholarships to doctoral students in animal and agricultural sciences: H. Wilhelm Schaumann Stiftung
- The Peter und Traudl Engelhorn-Stiftung awards scholarships for research in genetic engineering: Peter und Traudl Engelhorn-Stiftung