WeberWorldCafé "Diversity - Limits and Opportunities", 24.11.16 in Goettingen

The sitxth WeberWorldCafé of the foundation "Max Weber Stiftung" will further discuss what impact and effects diversity has - as well as examine the powers that constitute and produce diversity - by considering discourses on diversity, institutional frameworks, migration flows, and goals and interactions of individual actors. In order to touch on as many aspects of diversity as possible, there will be bundled issues to be discussed at eight "topic tables".

Picture: Gesche Schifferdecker, Max Weber Stiftung

The topics will be:

  • Conflicts in Multi-Ethnic Societies - how do we get along if you are not like me?
  • Fighting Complex Structures with New Concepts: How "superdiversity" can help us understand contemporary migration flows
  • Can Cool Little Boys Wear Skirts? Gender, parenthood and sexuality
  • Facing Various Axes of Oppression - individual, political and legal approaches to "intersectionality"
  • Diversity Management - Why should we work successfully together if we differ in culture, age, gender and even language?
  • Learning From the Past? Facts and fictions from historical societies with greater diversity
  • Optimizing the Body: From health protection to genetic embryo modification
  • DiverCities. Gentrification, social mobility and public spaces

Fore more information please visit this website.

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