Current program of assertiveness and self-defence trainings
A lot of woman know this: Sexualized comments, sexual leering from co-workers, students and on the streets, unwanted physical contact, queasy feelings. Being the target of invasive and offensive behaviour is an every-day experience for many women. But how to handle those kind of situations? And how to fight it?
Göttingen University provides assertiveness and self-defence trainings to help you move confidently and feel safe on campus and elsewhere. They offer the chance to develop strategies to counter everyday sexism in concrete life situations.
All of the offered trainings convey self-assertion build composure and calmness. Following questions will be regarded: How can I assert myself without wearing myself out? How can I draw the lines confidently, how do I resolve conflicts? How do I handle unfair criticism, uncomfortable remarks, invasive situations? How do I avoid putting myself under pressure?
The trainings thus focus on usable strategies for self-assertion. Furthermore, there will also be self-defence exercises, which teach punches, kicks and other defence strategies to defend yourself effectively in uncomfortable or threatening situations.
A specific form of self-defence against sexism is WenDo. It aims at improving the ability to counter assaults, to perceive and defend boundaries and to empower oneself.
All trainings take the needs, strengths and abilities of each individual into account. Sportiness is no requirement.
Universitätsweite Kurse
- Bilinguale Kurse (Stabsstelle Chancengleichheit und Diversität)
Selbstbehauptung und Selbstverteidigung für Frauen/Self-defense and Self-assertion for women
Termin folgt - WENDO – feministische Selbstbehauptung & Selbstverteidigung für Mädchen* und junge Frauen* (12-19 Jahre)
24.06.-26.06.2024, 11:00-16:00 Uhr
- Coming Home – Workshop zu feministischer Selbstbestimmung in der körperlich-sinnlichen Erfahrung für Frauen*/FLINTA*
13.07.2024, 11:00-17:00 Uhr
- Selbstverteidigung FLTI* & friends
Termin folgt
Weitere Kursangebote für Frauen*
- Verschiedene Kurse siehe unter:
Weitere Kurse (Zentrale Einrichtung des Hochschulsports)
Kurse zu Selbstverteidigung und Kampfsportarten wie bspw. Judo, Aikido oder Karate finden sich im aktuellen Hochschulsportprogramm online oder im "Seitenwechsel".