Prof. Dr. Waldemar Toporowski
Contact person:
Denise Pape, M.Sc.
Target group:
BWL B.Sc. 3-6, VWL B.A. 3-6, WiInf B.Sc. 3-6, JUR 2-4, INF B.Sc. 2-4
The course is part of the business administration specialisation in the Bachelor's programme.
Course language:
Recommended previous knowledge:
Start Date:
Admission requirements:
No admission requirements.
Learning outcome / core skills:
After successful completion of the course students are able to explain and apply the objectives, framework conditions and decisions relating to all areas of the marketing mix. Moreover, they are able to understand the basics of consumer behavior and market research. Building on this, students are capable of analyzing strategic decisions within a company and assessing the effects of the marketing-mix critically in a theory-based way.
Contents of the lecture:
- Conceptual basics of marketing
- Marketing decisions and management cycle
- Analysis of consumer behavior
- Market research
- Marketing objectives and strategies
- Product and product mix decisions
- Pricing decisions
- Communication decisions
- Distribution decisions
Time and place:
- The lecture will not take place in presence.
- The introductory lecture will be given by Prof. Dr. Toporowski on Tuesday, 15.04. 2025 in ZHG 009
- Slides and literature of the lecture will be available for download in StudIP at the start of the semester.
- All tutorials will take place in presence. They will not be recorded. They start from 28.04.2025, with the learning questions for chapters 1 and 2. In StudIP you will find an overview of which week you should have seen which recording in order to be as well prepared as possible for the tutorial. Registration is mandatory. Registration period from tbd to tbd a.m. The allocation for the tutorials will happen in the afternoon of tbd via eMail.
- The allocation to the respective tutorial is binding!
- The preliminary for the exam including the limitation of the content will be offered by Prof. Toporowski in the last semester lecture.
Written Exam:
90Min (6CP)
Examination requirements: Students are expected to understand strategical marketing-mix decisions, fundamentals of market research and consumer behavior.
Date of written exam:
- Tuesday, 05.08.2025 from 2:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. in ZHG 011
- There will be no second exam because the examination is offered every semester.
Recommended references for the lecture:
- Becker, J. (2013). Marketing-Konzeption. Grundlagen des ziel-strategischen und operativen Marketing-Managements (10. ed.). München, 103-107, 418-443.
- Esch, F.-R., Herrmann, A., & Sattler, H. (2013). Marketing – Eine managementorientierte Einführung (4. ed.). München.
- Simon, H. (1998): Preismanagement kompakt. Probleme und Methoden des modernen Pricing. Wiesbaden, 132-138.
Contents of the exercise:
Case studies regarding the store location, retail format, assortment, price, communication, store design, and design of online shops.
Accompanying modules:
Tutorium Marketing The tutorials take place in small groups in presence. For further information see above and in the introductory session.
General references:
The slides of the lectures can be found in StudIP.
Current information can be found on the homepage.
Information about the lecture can be found in the eCampus.