Opening Celebration of the Institute for Digital Humanities
The Institute for Digital Humanities was established on 30 April 2018 on the Faculty of Humanities on the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
The opening celebration took place on
Monday, 04 April 2019
In the Paulinerkirche, Papendiek 14, 37037 Göttingen.
15:00 Uhr
Words of welcome
Prof. Dr. Martin Langner
Greeting from the Presidential Board
Vice President Prof. Dr. Norbert Lossau
Greeting from the Faculty of Humanities
Dean Prof. Dr. Manfred Luchterhandt
15:30 Uhr
Opening Lecture
Prof. Dr. Susan Schreibman (Maastricht University)
„The Disciplinarity of Digital Humanities“
17:00-17:30 Uhr