Philip Bester van Niekerk
Research interests
- Wood Durability
- Service life modelling of timber
- Performance-based design with timber
- Hazard mapping
- Carbon storage quantification
- WoodLCC - Enabling robust and precise Life-Cycle-Costing (LCC) based on input from novel models for detailed service life performance specification for wooden components and buildings
- ClickDesign - Delivering fingertip knowledge to enable service life performance specification of wood
Supervision of student papers (for data protection reasons, the papers have been made anonymous)
Master’s theses
- Survey of timber structures - Validation studies of a service life prediction tool
- The potential of detecting wood decay using photoacoustic imaging: a review
- Impact of micro-environmental temperature on wood decay induced by Basidiomycetes
- The effect of different crack sizes on the material climate of wooden components
Project theses
- Investigation of the splash water exposure of wooden facades
- Evaluation of different scenarios for the accumulation of splash water on wood cladding and their effect on the material climate
- Development of wood moisture content in Norway spruce terrace elements - influence of slope, soil accumulation and water traps
- Analysis of the influence of neighbouring vegetation on the risk of fungal decay in Norway spruce boards
- Localised moistening of wood and subsequent inoculation of mycelium to determine the local loss of mass due to wood-destroying Basidiomycetes
- Modelling the relationship between mass loss and elastomechanical properties of fungal decayed wood
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Bachelor's theses

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Simulations of microclimates for wood-decaying fungi in the built environment using environmental analysis.
van Niekerk, P. B.; Niklewski, J.; Hosseini, S. H.; Nicholas, B.; Frimannslund, I.; Thiis, T. K.; and Brischke, C.
In Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting, pages 17, Cairns, Australia, June 2023.
doi link bibtex abstract
doi link bibtex abstract
@inproceedings{van_niekerk_simulations_2023, address = {Cairns, Australia}, title = {Simulations of microclimates for wood-decaying fungi in the built environment using environmental analysis}, doi = {IRG/WP 23-20703}, abstract = {Simulations of fungal decay risk were run on two similar building geometries exposed to typical annual climate conditions of two different geographical locations, Brunswick (Germany) and Cairns (Australia). The simulations were conducted to capture the effect of wind-driven rain and solar irradiation exposure over nodes of the common building geometry. The moisture content and temperature variations were then calculated point-by-point using simulation outputs, climate data and various models. A supervised machine-learning algorithm using artificial neural networks was used to calculate moisture content to more efficiently handle processing requirements. Time series of moisture content and temperature were used as input into fungal decay models, and in turn, service life planning (SLP) frameworks, where cumulative daily dose was used as the risk metric. Here, we applied the established SLP framework used in project CLICKdesign, which uses a doseresponse exposure model in combination with the Meyer-Veltrup resistance model. With this specific SLP framework, various materials can be evaluated or troubleshot based on their adherence to design life specifications. Dose represents the material climate (MC and temperature), and adding surface conditions as opposed to ambient macro climate estimates presents a step forward in capturing the microclimate surrounding the material. The examples shown indicate the importance of addressing the unique variation introduced with the combination of geometry and geographical location.}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Proceedings {IRG} {Annual} {Meeting}}, author = {van Niekerk, Philip Bester and Niklewski, Jonas and Hosseini, Seyyed Hasan and Nicholas, Brendan and Frimannslund, Iver and Thiis, Thomas Kringlebotn and Brischke, Christian}, month = jun, year = {2023}, pages = {17}, file = {van Niekerk et al. - Simulations of microclimates for wood-decaying fun.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\JUIUDA85\\van Niekerk et al. - Simulations of microclimates for wood-decaying fun.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Simulations of fungal decay risk were run on two similar building geometries exposed to typical annual climate conditions of two different geographical locations, Brunswick (Germany) and Cairns (Australia). The simulations were conducted to capture the effect of wind-driven rain and solar irradiation exposure over nodes of the common building geometry. The moisture content and temperature variations were then calculated point-by-point using simulation outputs, climate data and various models. A supervised machine-learning algorithm using artificial neural networks was used to calculate moisture content to more efficiently handle processing requirements. Time series of moisture content and temperature were used as input into fungal decay models, and in turn, service life planning (SLP) frameworks, where cumulative daily dose was used as the risk metric. Here, we applied the established SLP framework used in project CLICKdesign, which uses a doseresponse exposure model in combination with the Meyer-Veltrup resistance model. With this specific SLP framework, various materials can be evaluated or troubleshot based on their adherence to design life specifications. Dose represents the material climate (MC and temperature), and adding surface conditions as opposed to ambient macro climate estimates presents a step forward in capturing the microclimate surrounding the material. The examples shown indicate the importance of addressing the unique variation introduced with the combination of geometry and geographical location.
Utilising novel service life prediction methods for robust and precise Life-Cycle-Costing (LCC).
van Niekerk, P. B.; Alfredsen, G.; Kalamees, T.; Modaresi, R.; Sandak, A.; Niklewski, J.; and Brischke, C.
In Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting, pages 6, Cairns, Australia, June 2023.
doi link bibtex abstract
doi link bibtex abstract
@inproceedings{van_niekerk_utilising_2023, address = {Cairns, Australia}, title = {Utilising novel service life prediction methods for robust and precise {Life}-{Cycle}-{Costing} ({LCC})}, doi = {IRG/WP 23-50384}, abstract = {Simulations of fungal decay risk were run on two similar building geometries exposed to typical annual climate conditions of two different geographical locations, Brunswick (Germany) and Cairns (Australia). The simulations were conducted to capture the effect of wind-driven rain and solar irradiation exposure over nodes of the common building geometry. The moisture content and temperature variations were then calculated point-by-point using simulation outputs, climate data and various models. A supervised machine-learning algorithm using artificial neural networks was used to calculate moisture content to more efficiently handle processing requirements. Time series of moisture content and temperature were used as input into fungal decay models, and in turn, service life planning (SLP) frameworks, where cumulative daily dose was used as the risk metric. Here, we applied the established SLP framework used in project CLICKdesign, which uses a doseresponse exposure model in combination with the Meyer-Veltrup resistance model. With this specific SLP framework, various materials can be evaluated or troubleshot based on their adherence to design life specifications. Dose represents the material climate (MC and temperature), and adding surface conditions as opposed to ambient macro climate estimates presents a step forward in capturing the microclimate surrounding the material. The examples shown indicate the importance of addressing the unique variation introduced with the combination of geometry and geographical location.}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Proceedings {IRG} {Annual} {Meeting}}, author = {van Niekerk, Philip Bester and Alfredsen, Grey and Kalamees, Targo and Modaresi, Roja and Sandak, Anna and Niklewski, Jonas and Brischke, Christian}, month = jun, year = {2023}, pages = {6}, file = {van Niekerk et al. - 2023 - Utilising novel service life prediction methods fo.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\35AQAPL9\\van Niekerk et al. - 2023 - Utilising novel service life prediction methods fo.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Simulations of fungal decay risk were run on two similar building geometries exposed to typical annual climate conditions of two different geographical locations, Brunswick (Germany) and Cairns (Australia). The simulations were conducted to capture the effect of wind-driven rain and solar irradiation exposure over nodes of the common building geometry. The moisture content and temperature variations were then calculated point-by-point using simulation outputs, climate data and various models. A supervised machine-learning algorithm using artificial neural networks was used to calculate moisture content to more efficiently handle processing requirements. Time series of moisture content and temperature were used as input into fungal decay models, and in turn, service life planning (SLP) frameworks, where cumulative daily dose was used as the risk metric. Here, we applied the established SLP framework used in project CLICKdesign, which uses a doseresponse exposure model in combination with the Meyer-Veltrup resistance model. With this specific SLP framework, various materials can be evaluated or troubleshot based on their adherence to design life specifications. Dose represents the material climate (MC and temperature), and adding surface conditions as opposed to ambient macro climate estimates presents a step forward in capturing the microclimate surrounding the material. The examples shown indicate the importance of addressing the unique variation introduced with the combination of geometry and geographical location.
Einfluss von Leckagen auf die Gebrauchsdauer von Dachkonstruktionen bei einem FlachdachWarmdach.
Odinius, T.
Technical Report Wood Biology and Wood Products, Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology, University of Goettingen, Göttingen, Germany, September 2023.
Prüfer: Dr. S. Bollmus, P. van Niekerk
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@techreport{odinius_einfluss_2023, address = {Göttingen, Germany}, type = {Bachelor thesis}, title = {Einfluss von {Leckagen} auf die {Gebrauchsdauer} von {Dachkonstruktionen} bei einem {FlachdachWarmdach}}, language = {de ger}, institution = {Wood Biology and Wood Products, Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology, University of Goettingen}, author = {Odinius, Thilo}, month = sep, year = {2023}, note = {Prüfer: Dr. S. Bollmus, P. van Niekerk}, pages = {35}, file = {Odinius - 2023 - Einfluss von Leckagen auf die Gebrauchsdauer von D.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\X4IRULL8\\Odinius - 2023 - Einfluss von Leckagen auf die Gebrauchsdauer von D.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The effect of weathering on the surface moisture conditions of Norway spruce under outdoor exposure.
Niklewski, J.; Van Niekerk, P. B.; and Marais, B. N.
Wood Material Science & Engineering, 18(4): 1394–1404. July 2023.
@article{niklewski_effect_2023, title = {The effect of weathering on the surface moisture conditions of {Norway} spruce under outdoor exposure}, volume = {18}, issn = {1748-0272, 1748-0280}, url = {}, doi = {10.1080/17480272.2022.2144444}, language = {en}, number = {4}, urldate = {2023-12-12}, journal = {Wood Material Science \& Engineering}, author = {Niklewski, Jonas and Van Niekerk, Philip Bester and Marais, Brendan Nicholas}, month = jul, year = {2023}, pages = {1394--1404}, file = {Volltext:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\MAKWYHCH\\Niklewski et al. - 2023 - The effect of weathering on the surface moisture c.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Time-dependent moisture thresholds for fungal growth and decay of Trametes versicolor.
Brischke, C.; and van Niekerk, P. B.
In Proceedings of the 19th Meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering (WSE), pages 184–186, Ås, Norway, October 2023.
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@inproceedings{brischke_time-dependent_2023, address = {Ås, Norway}, title = {Time-dependent moisture thresholds for fungal growth and decay of {Trametes} versicolor}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th {Meeting} of the {Northern} {European} {Network} for {Wood} {Science} and {Engineering} ({WSE})}, author = {Brischke, Christian and van Niekerk, Philip B.}, month = oct, year = {2023}, pages = {184--186}, }
Modelling in-ground wood decay using time-series retrievals from the 5 th European climate reanalysis (ERA5-Land).
Marais, B. N.; Schönauer, M.; Van Niekerk, P. B.; Niklewski, J.; and Brischke, C.
European Journal of Remote Sensing, 56(1): 2264473. December 2023.
@article{marais_modelling_2023, title = {Modelling in-ground wood decay using time-series retrievals from the 5 $^{\textrm{th}}$ {European} climate reanalysis ({ERA5}-{Land})}, volume = {56}, issn = {2279-7254}, url = {}, doi = {10.1080/22797254.2023.2264473}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2023-12-15}, journal = {European Journal of Remote Sensing}, author = {Marais, Brendan N. and Schönauer, Marian and Van Niekerk, Philip Bester and Niklewski, Jonas and Brischke, Christian}, month = dec, year = {2023}, pages = {2264473}, file = {Volltext:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\QBUYUXXH\\Marais et al. - 2023 - Modelling in-ground wood decay using time-series r.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Moisture prediction of timber for durability applications using data-driven modelling.
Hosseini, S. H.; Niklewski, J.; and Van Niekerk, P. B.
In World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2023), pages 3808–3815, Oslo, Norway, 2023. World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2023)
@inproceedings{hosseini_moisture_2023, address = {Oslo, Norway}, title = {Moisture prediction of timber for durability applications using data-driven modelling}, isbn = {978-1-71387-329-7 978-1-71387-327-3}, url = {}, doi = {10.52202/069179-0495}, urldate = {2023-12-15}, booktitle = {World {Conference} on {Timber} {Engineering} ({WCTE} 2023)}, publisher = {World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2023)}, author = {Hosseini, Seyyed Hasan and Niklewski, Jonas and Van Niekerk, Philip Bester}, year = {2023}, pages = {3808--3815}, file = {Volltext:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\ARV7EIGN\\Hosseini et al. - 2023 - MOISTURE PREDICTION OF TIMBER FOR DURABILITY APPLI.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Simplified environmental analysis of the long-term performance of wood cladding and decking.
Niklewski, J.; Sandak, J.; Van Niekerk, P. B.; Brischke, C.; Acquah, R.; and Sandak, A.
In World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2023), pages 549–557, Oslo, Norway, 2023. World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2023)
@inproceedings{niklewski_simplified_2023, address = {Oslo, Norway}, title = {Simplified environmental analysis of the long-term performance of wood cladding and decking}, isbn = {978-1-71387-329-7 978-1-71387-327-3}, url = {}, doi = {10.52202/069179-0075}, urldate = {2023-12-15}, booktitle = {World {Conference} on {Timber} {Engineering} ({WCTE} 2023)}, publisher = {World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2023)}, author = {Niklewski, Jonas and Sandak, Jakub and Van Niekerk, Philip Bester and Brischke, Christian and Acquah, Richard and Sandak, Anna}, year = {2023}, pages = {549--557}, file = {Volltext:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\UXTWPRLW\\Niklewski et al. - 2023 - SIMPLIFIED ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE LONG-TERM.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Modelling in-ground wood decay using time-series retrievals from the 5th European climate reanalysis (ERA5-Land).
Marais, B. N.; Schönauer, M.; van Niekerk, P. B.; Niklewski, J.; and Brischke, C.
European Journal of Remote Sensing, 56(1): 2264473. December 2023.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis _eprint:
@article{marais_modelling_2023-1, title = {Modelling in-ground wood decay using time-series retrievals from the 5th {European} climate reanalysis ({ERA5}-{Land})}, volume = {56}, issn = {null}, url = {}, doi = {10.1080/22797254.2023.2264473}, abstract = {This article presents models to predict the time until mechanical failure of in-ground wooden test specimens resulting from fungal decay. Historical records of decay ratings were modelled by remotely sensed data from ERA5-Land. In total, 2,570 test specimens of 16 different wood species were exposed at 21 different test sites, representing three continents and climatic conditions from sub-polar to tropical, spanning a period from 1980 until 2022. To obtain specimen decay ratings over their exposure time, inspections were conducted in mostly annual and sometimes bi-annual intervals. For each specimen’s exposure period, a laboratory developed dose–response model was populated using remotely sensed soil moisture and temperature data retrieved from ERA5-Land. Wood specimens were grouped according to natural durability rankings to reduce the variability of in-ground wood decay rate between wood species. Non-linear, sigmoid-shaped models were then constructed to describe wood decay progression as a function of daily accumulated exposure to soil moisture and temperature conditions (dose). Dose, a mechanistic weighting of daily exposure conditions over time, generally performed better than exposure time alone as a predictor of in-ground wood decay progression. The open-access availability of remotely sensed soil-state data in combination with wood specimen data proved promising for in-ground wood decay predictions.}, number = {1}, urldate = {2024-03-13}, journal = {European Journal of Remote Sensing}, author = {Marais, Brendan N. and Schönauer, Marian and van Niekerk, Philip Bester and Niklewski, Jonas and Brischke, Christian}, month = dec, year = {2023}, note = {Publisher: Taylor \& Francis \_eprint:}, keywords = {dose–response model, Fungal wood decay, geospatial modelling, IRG-WP durability database, soil moisture, soil temperature}, pages = {2264473}, file = {Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\JUMXMVZT\\Marais et al. - 2023 - Modelling in-ground wood decay using time-series r.pdf:application/pdf}, }
This article presents models to predict the time until mechanical failure of in-ground wooden test specimens resulting from fungal decay. Historical records of decay ratings were modelled by remotely sensed data from ERA5-Land. In total, 2,570 test specimens of 16 different wood species were exposed at 21 different test sites, representing three continents and climatic conditions from sub-polar to tropical, spanning a period from 1980 until 2022. To obtain specimen decay ratings over their exposure time, inspections were conducted in mostly annual and sometimes bi-annual intervals. For each specimen’s exposure period, a laboratory developed dose–response model was populated using remotely sensed soil moisture and temperature data retrieved from ERA5-Land. Wood specimens were grouped according to natural durability rankings to reduce the variability of in-ground wood decay rate between wood species. Non-linear, sigmoid-shaped models were then constructed to describe wood decay progression as a function of daily accumulated exposure to soil moisture and temperature conditions (dose). Dose, a mechanistic weighting of daily exposure conditions over time, generally performed better than exposure time alone as a predictor of in-ground wood decay progression. The open-access availability of remotely sensed soil-state data in combination with wood specimen data proved promising for in-ground wood decay predictions.
Mapping the biotic degradation hazard of wood in Europe – biophysical background, engineering applications, and climate change-induced prospects.
van Niekerk, P. B.; Marais, B. N.; Brischke, C.; Borges, L. M.; Kutnik, M.; Niklewski, J.; Ansard, D.; Humar, M.; Cragg, S. M.; and Militz, H.
Holzforschung, 76(2): 188–210. February 2022.
1 download
@article{van_niekerk_mapping_2022, title = {Mapping the biotic degradation hazard of wood in {Europe} – biophysical background, engineering applications, and climate change-induced prospects}, volume = {76}, issn = {0018-3830, 1437-434X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1515/hf-2021-0169}, abstract = {Abstract Construction using timber has seen a resurgence in light of global climate mitigation policies. Wood is a renewable resource, and engineered wood products are proving to be competitive against concrete and steel while having several advantages. However, while the renewable nature of wood in construction is a beneficial property for climate mitigation policies, the process of biodegradation introduces a challenge for service life planning. A review of hazard mapping is presented while developing contemporary hazard maps, occurrence maps and projected hazard maps for 2050 using representative concentration pathways ( RCP ) 2.6 and 8.5. The risk of timber decay is expected to increase in most of Europe as the temperatures rise, with a decrease expected in dryer regions. Termites are likely to experience a range expansion as more areas become suitable, while human activity and an increase in extreme weather events like floods are expected to facilitate dispersion. Marine borer species already present a risk in most European coastal regions; however, the effect of changes in water temperatures are likely to shift the boundaries for individual borer species. Overall, warmer climates are expected to increase the metabolic activity of all of these organisms leading to a general reduction in service life.}, language = {en}, number = {2}, urldate = {2022-02-09}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {van Niekerk, Philip B. and Marais, Brendan N. and Brischke, Christian and Borges, Luisa M.S. and Kutnik, Magdalena and Niklewski, Jonas and Ansard, David and Humar, Miha and Cragg, Simon M. and Militz, Holger}, month = feb, year = {2022}, pages = {188--210}, file = {van Niekerk et al. - 2021 - Mapping the biotic degradation hazard of wood in E.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\UYRL775H\\van Niekerk et al. - 2021 - Mapping the biotic degradation hazard of wood in E.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Abstract Construction using timber has seen a resurgence in light of global climate mitigation policies. Wood is a renewable resource, and engineered wood products are proving to be competitive against concrete and steel while having several advantages. However, while the renewable nature of wood in construction is a beneficial property for climate mitigation policies, the process of biodegradation introduces a challenge for service life planning. A review of hazard mapping is presented while developing contemporary hazard maps, occurrence maps and projected hazard maps for 2050 using representative concentration pathways ( RCP ) 2.6 and 8.5. The risk of timber decay is expected to increase in most of Europe as the temperatures rise, with a decrease expected in dryer regions. Termites are likely to experience a range expansion as more areas become suitable, while human activity and an increase in extreme weather events like floods are expected to facilitate dispersion. Marine borer species already present a risk in most European coastal regions; however, the effect of changes in water temperatures are likely to shift the boundaries for individual borer species. Overall, warmer climates are expected to increase the metabolic activity of all of these organisms leading to a general reduction in service life.
Survey of timber structures - Validation studies of a service life prediction tool.
Rabke, J.; Brischke, C.; Alfredsen, G.; and Van Niekerk, P.
In Proceedings of the 18th meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering (WSE 2022), pages 102–104, Göttingen, Germany, September 2022.
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@inproceedings{rabke_survey_2022, address = {Göttingen, Germany}, title = {Survey of timber structures - {Validation} studies of a service life prediction tool}, language = {EN}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th meeting of the {Northern} {European} {Network} for {Wood} {Science} and {Engineering} ({WSE} 2022)}, author = {Rabke, J. and Brischke, C. and Alfredsen, G. and Van Niekerk, P.B.}, month = sep, year = {2022}, pages = {102--104}, }
The effect of weathering on the surface moisture conditions of Norway spruce under outdoor exposure.
Niklewski, J.; van Niekerk, P. B.; and Marais, B. N.
Wood Material Science & Engineering, 0(0): 1–11. December 2022.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis _eprint:
@article{niklewski_effect_2022, title = {The effect of weathering on the surface moisture conditions of {Norway} spruce under outdoor exposure}, volume = {0}, issn = {1748-0272}, url = {}, doi = {10.1080/17480272.2022.2144444}, abstract = {Understanding wood surface moisture variations is fundamental to the modelling of moisture content. Exposure to sunlight, fluctuating temperature and rain leads to superficial deterioration and reduced surface hydrophobicity. Here, the effect of weathering was studied through monitoring the surface and global moisture content of axially matched pre-weathered and planed sets of specimens exposed outdoors over 18 months. The difference in surface conditions was characterised by analysing the rain-induced peaks. The results suggest that, following precipitation, weathered surfaces remain wet over a longer time period. No effect was observed through the global moisture content. After one year of exposure, the difference between pre-weathered and planed surfaces was small to insignificant. In service life modelling, it is therefore unnecessary to consider the unweathered state and simulations should target the behaviour of weathered wood. Numerical simulations were able to capture the general behaviour of the surface and global moisture content, but discrepancies over individual peaks were observed. Finally, the study demonstrates how peak analysis and signal analysis can be used for isolating subtle differences between time-series of surface moisture content. The same techniques can be used in future studies to characterise other factors influencing surface conditions, such as wood species and detailing.}, number = {0}, urldate = {2022-12-14}, journal = {Wood Material Science \& Engineering}, author = {Niklewski, Jonas and van Niekerk, Philip Bester and Marais, Brendan Nicholas}, month = dec, year = {2022}, note = {Publisher: Taylor \& Francis \_eprint:}, keywords = {weathering, moisture content, Wood, measurements, surface conditions}, pages = {1--11}, file = {Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\CTA56NKX\\Niklewski et al. - 2022 - The effect of weathering on the surface moisture c.pdf:application/pdf;Niklewski et al. - 2022 - The effect of weathering on the surface moisture c.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\F88S9NBB\\Niklewski et al. - 2022 - The effect of weathering on the surface moisture c.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Understanding wood surface moisture variations is fundamental to the modelling of moisture content. Exposure to sunlight, fluctuating temperature and rain leads to superficial deterioration and reduced surface hydrophobicity. Here, the effect of weathering was studied through monitoring the surface and global moisture content of axially matched pre-weathered and planed sets of specimens exposed outdoors over 18 months. The difference in surface conditions was characterised by analysing the rain-induced peaks. The results suggest that, following precipitation, weathered surfaces remain wet over a longer time period. No effect was observed through the global moisture content. After one year of exposure, the difference between pre-weathered and planed surfaces was small to insignificant. In service life modelling, it is therefore unnecessary to consider the unweathered state and simulations should target the behaviour of weathered wood. Numerical simulations were able to capture the general behaviour of the surface and global moisture content, but discrepancies over individual peaks were observed. Finally, the study demonstrates how peak analysis and signal analysis can be used for isolating subtle differences between time-series of surface moisture content. The same techniques can be used in future studies to characterise other factors influencing surface conditions, such as wood species and detailing.
Robust and precise LCC of wooden buildings using novel service life prediction tools.
Alfredsen, G.; Brischke, C.; Acquah, R.; Akkurt, T.; Flæte, P.; Frühwald Hansson, E.; Gustavsen, G.; Hosseini, H.; Kalamees, T.; Kers, J.; Kukk, V.; Modaresi, R.; Niklewski, J.; Sandak, A.; Sandak, J.; and Van Niekerk, P.
In Proceedings of the 18th meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering (WSE 2022), pages 199–201, Göttingen, Germany, September 2022.
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@inproceedings{alfredsen_robust_2022, address = {Göttingen, Germany}, title = {Robust and precise {LCC} of wooden buildings using novel service life prediction tools}, language = {EN}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th meeting of the {Northern} {European} {Network} for {Wood} {Science} and {Engineering} ({WSE} 2022)}, author = {Alfredsen, G. and Brischke, C. and Acquah, R. and Akkurt, T. and Flæte, P.O. and Frühwald Hansson, E. and Gustavsen, G.W. and Hosseini, H. and Kalamees, T. and Kers, J. and Kukk, V. and Modaresi, R. and Niklewski, J. and Sandak, A. and Sandak, J. and Van Niekerk, P.B.}, month = sep, year = {2022}, pages = {199--201}, }
Using satellite-retrieved soil moisture data to model the decay risk of in-ground timber.
Van Niekerk, P.; Schönauer, M.; Marais, B. N.; and Brischke, C.
In Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting, Bled, Slovenia, May 2022.
doi link bibtex
doi link bibtex
@inproceedings{van_niekerk_using_2022, address = {Bled, Slovenia}, title = {Using satellite-retrieved soil moisture data to model the decay risk of in-ground timber}, doi = {IRG/WP 22-20689}, language = {En}, booktitle = {Proceedings {IRG} {Annual} {Meeting}}, author = {Van Niekerk, P.B. and Schönauer, M. and Marais, B. N. and Brischke, C.}, month = may, year = {2022}, }
Simulations of microclimates for wood-decaying fungi in the built environment using environmental analysis.
Van Niekerk, P.; Niklewski, J.; Hosseini, S. H.; Marais, B. N.; Frimannslund, I.; Kringlebotn Thiis, T; and Brischke, C.
In Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting, Bled, Slovenia, May 2022.
doi link bibtex
doi link bibtex
@inproceedings{van_niekerk_simulations_2022, address = {Bled, Slovenia}, title = {Simulations of microclimates for wood-decaying fungi in the built environment using environmental analysis}, doi = {IRG/WP 23-20703}, language = {En}, booktitle = {Proceedings {IRG} {Annual} {Meeting}}, author = {Van Niekerk, P.B. and Niklewski, J. and Hosseini, S. H. and Marais, B. N. and Frimannslund, I. and Kringlebotn Thiis, T and Brischke, C.}, month = may, year = {2022}, }
Evaluation of Splash Water Contact Scenarios on Wooden Cladding and its Influence on the Moisture Induced Risk of Decay.
van Niekerk, P. B.; Brischke, C.; Rabke, J. J.; Simmering, C.; and Tausendfreund, J. M.
In Proceedings of the 17th annual meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering (WSE 2021), pages 49–51, Kaunas, Lithuania, October 2021.
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@inproceedings{van_niekerk_evaluation_2021, address = {Kaunas, Lithuania}, title = {Evaluation of {Splash} {Water} {Contact} {Scenarios} on {Wooden} {Cladding} and its {Influence} on the {Moisture} {Induced} {Risk} of {Decay}}, isbn = {978-609-02-1762-7}, language = {EN}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th annual meeting of the {Northern} {European} {Network} for {Wood} {Science} and {Engineering} ({WSE} 2021)}, author = {van Niekerk, Philip Bester and Brischke, Christian and Rabke, Joshua Jannik and Simmering, Christian and Tausendfreund, Jan Miguel}, month = oct, year = {2021}, pages = {49--51}, }
Estimating the Service Life of Timber Structures Concerning Risk and Influence of Fungal Decay—A Review of Existing Theory and Modelling Approaches.
van Niekerk, P. B.; Brischke, C.; and Niklewski, J.
Forests, 12(5): 588. May 2021.
Number: 5 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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@article{van_niekerk_estimating_2021, title = {Estimating the {Service} {Life} of {Timber} {Structures} {Concerning} {Risk} and {Influence} of {Fungal} {Decay}—{A} {Review} of {Existing} {Theory} and {Modelling} {Approaches}}, volume = {12}, copyright = {}, url = {}, doi = {10.3390/f12050588}, abstract = {Wood is a renewable resource and a promising construction material for the growing bio-based economy. Efficiently utilising wood in the built environment requires a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics regarding its usability. Durability is an essential property to consider, as various types of exposure create conditions for the deterioration of wood through biotic and abiotic agents. Biodegradable materials introduce increased complexity to construction and design processes, as material decomposition during a structure’s lifetime presents a physical risk to human health and safety and costs related to repairs and maintenance. Construction professionals are thus tasked with utilising wooden elements to accentuate the material’s beneficial properties while reducing the risk of in-service decomposition. In this paper, only the cause and effect of fungal induced decay on the service life of wooden buildings and other wood-based construction assets are reviewed. The service life of wood components can thus be extended if suitable growing conditions are controlled. Multiple existing modelling approaches are described throughout the text, with special attention given to the two most comprehensive ones; TimberLife and the WoodExter. In choosing an appropriate model for a specific application, the authors recommend evaluating the model’s regional specificity, complexity, practicality, longevity and adaptability.}, language = {en}, number = {5}, urldate = {2021-05-12}, journal = {Forests}, author = {van Niekerk, Philip Bester and Brischke, Christian and Niklewski, Jonas}, month = may, year = {2021}, note = {Number: 5 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}, keywords = {fungi, wood, decay, modelling, service life planning}, pages = {588}, file = {Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\CEFCKDQV\\van Niekerk et al. - 2021 - Estimating the Service Life of Timber Structures C.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\U26P5PZ4\\588.html:text/html}, }
Wood is a renewable resource and a promising construction material for the growing bio-based economy. Efficiently utilising wood in the built environment requires a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics regarding its usability. Durability is an essential property to consider, as various types of exposure create conditions for the deterioration of wood through biotic and abiotic agents. Biodegradable materials introduce increased complexity to construction and design processes, as material decomposition during a structure’s lifetime presents a physical risk to human health and safety and costs related to repairs and maintenance. Construction professionals are thus tasked with utilising wooden elements to accentuate the material’s beneficial properties while reducing the risk of in-service decomposition. In this paper, only the cause and effect of fungal induced decay on the service life of wooden buildings and other wood-based construction assets are reviewed. The service life of wood components can thus be extended if suitable growing conditions are controlled. Multiple existing modelling approaches are described throughout the text, with special attention given to the two most comprehensive ones; TimberLife and the WoodExter. In choosing an appropriate model for a specific application, the authors recommend evaluating the model’s regional specificity, complexity, practicality, longevity and adaptability.
Mapping the biotic degradation hazard of wood in Europe – biophysical background, engineering applications, and climate change-induced prospects.
van Niekerk, P. B.; Marais, B. N.; Brischke, C.; Borges, L. M.; Kutnik, M.; Niklewski, J.; Ansard, D.; Humar, M.; Cragg, S. M.; and Militz, H.
Holzforschung, 0(0). December 2021.
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@article{van_niekerk_mapping_2021, title = {Mapping the biotic degradation hazard of wood in {Europe} – biophysical background, engineering applications, and climate change-induced prospects}, volume = {0}, issn = {0018-3830, 1437-434X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1515/hf-2021-0169}, abstract = {Abstract Construction using timber has seen a resurgence in light of global climate mitigation policies. Wood is a renewable resource, and engineered wood products are proving to be competitive against concrete and steel while having several advantages. However, while the renewable nature of wood in construction is a beneficial property for climate mitigation policies, the process of biodegradation introduces a challenge for service life planning. A review of hazard mapping is presented while developing contemporary hazard maps, occurrence maps and projected hazard maps for 2050 using representative concentration pathways ( RCP ) 2.6 and 8.5. The risk of timber decay is expected to increase in most of Europe as the temperatures rise, with a decrease expected in dryer regions. Termites are likely to experience a range expansion as more areas become suitable, while human activity and an increase in extreme weather events like floods are expected to facilitate dispersion. Marine borer species already present a risk in most European coastal regions; however, the effect of changes in water temperatures are likely to shift the boundaries for individual borer species. Overall, warmer climates are expected to increase the metabolic activity of all of these organisms leading to a general reduction in service life.}, language = {en}, number = {0}, urldate = {2022-01-04}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {van Niekerk, Philip B. and Marais, Brendan N. and Brischke, Christian and Borges, Luisa M.S. and Kutnik, Magdalena and Niklewski, Jonas and Ansard, David and Humar, Miha and Cragg, Simon M. and Militz, Holger}, month = dec, year = {2021}, file = {van Niekerk et al. - 2021 - Mapping the biotic degradation hazard of wood in E.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\AC5BW8VW\\van Niekerk et al. - 2021 - Mapping the biotic degradation hazard of wood in E.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Abstract Construction using timber has seen a resurgence in light of global climate mitigation policies. Wood is a renewable resource, and engineered wood products are proving to be competitive against concrete and steel while having several advantages. However, while the renewable nature of wood in construction is a beneficial property for climate mitigation policies, the process of biodegradation introduces a challenge for service life planning. A review of hazard mapping is presented while developing contemporary hazard maps, occurrence maps and projected hazard maps for 2050 using representative concentration pathways ( RCP ) 2.6 and 8.5. The risk of timber decay is expected to increase in most of Europe as the temperatures rise, with a decrease expected in dryer regions. Termites are likely to experience a range expansion as more areas become suitable, while human activity and an increase in extreme weather events like floods are expected to facilitate dispersion. Marine borer species already present a risk in most European coastal regions; however, the effect of changes in water temperatures are likely to shift the boundaries for individual borer species. Overall, warmer climates are expected to increase the metabolic activity of all of these organisms leading to a general reduction in service life.
Evaluation of Moisture and Decay Models for a New Design Framework for Decay Prediction of Wood.
Niklewski, J.; van Niekerk, P. B.; Brischke, C.; and Hansson, E. F.
Forests, 0(0): 17. 2021.
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@article{niklewski_evaluation_2021, title = {Evaluation of {Moisture} and {Decay} {Models} for a {New} {Design} {Framework} for {Decay} {Prediction} of {Wood}}, volume = {0}, abstract = {Performance-based, service-life design of wood has been the focus of much research in recent decades. Previous works have been synthesized in various factorized design frameworks presented in the form of technical reports. Factorization does not consider the non-linear dependency between decay-influencing effects, such as between detail design and climate variables. The CLICKdesign project is a joint European effort targeting digital, performance-based specification for service-life design (SLD) of wood. This study evaluates the feasibility of using a semi-empirical moisture model (SMM) as a basis for a digital SLD framework. The performance of the SMM is assessed by comparison against a finite element model (FEM). In addition, two different wood decay models (a logistic, LM, and simplified logistic model (SLM)) are compared. While discrepancies between the SMM and FEM were detected particularly at high wood moisture content, the overall performance of the SMM was deemed sufficient for the application. The main source of uncertainty instead stems from the choice of wood decay model. Based on the results, a new method based on pre-calculated time series, empirical equations, and interpolation is proposed for predicting the service life of wood. The method is fast and simple yet able to deal with non-linear effects between weather variables and the design of details. As such, it can easily be implemented as part of a digital design guideline to provide decision support for architects and engineers, with less uncertainty than existing factorized guidelines.}, language = {en}, number = {0}, journal = {Forests}, author = {Niklewski, Jonas and van Niekerk, Philip Bester and Brischke, Christian and Hansson, Eva Frühwald}, year = {2021}, pages = {17}, file = {Niklewski et al. - 2021 - Evaluation of Moisture and Decay Models for a New .pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\8JJIX5R9\\Niklewski et al. - 2021 - Evaluation of Moisture and Decay Models for a New .pdf:application/pdf}, }
Performance-based, service-life design of wood has been the focus of much research in recent decades. Previous works have been synthesized in various factorized design frameworks presented in the form of technical reports. Factorization does not consider the non-linear dependency between decay-influencing effects, such as between detail design and climate variables. The CLICKdesign project is a joint European effort targeting digital, performance-based specification for service-life design (SLD) of wood. This study evaluates the feasibility of using a semi-empirical moisture model (SMM) as a basis for a digital SLD framework. The performance of the SMM is assessed by comparison against a finite element model (FEM). In addition, two different wood decay models (a logistic, LM, and simplified logistic model (SLM)) are compared. While discrepancies between the SMM and FEM were detected particularly at high wood moisture content, the overall performance of the SMM was deemed sufficient for the application. The main source of uncertainty instead stems from the choice of wood decay model. Based on the results, a new method based on pre-calculated time series, empirical equations, and interpolation is proposed for predicting the service life of wood. The method is fast and simple yet able to deal with non-linear effects between weather variables and the design of details. As such, it can easily be implemented as part of a digital design guideline to provide decision support for architects and engineers, with less uncertainty than existing factorized guidelines.
Mapping the Present and Future Fungal Decay Hazard of Aboveground Wood in Europe.
Marais, B. N.; Van Niekerk, P. B.; Niklewski, J.; Brischke, C.; and Militz, H.
In Proceedings of the 17th annual meeting of the Northern European Network for Wood Science and Engineering (WSE 2021), pages 60–62, Kaunas, Lithuania, October 2021.
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@inproceedings{marais_mapping_2021, address = {Kaunas, Lithuania}, title = {Mapping the {Present} and {Future} {Fungal} {Decay} {Hazard} of {Aboveground} {Wood} in {Europe}}, isbn = {978-609-02-1762-7}, language = {EN}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th annual meeting of the {Northern} {European} {Network} for {Wood} {Science} and {Engineering} ({WSE} 2021)}, author = {Marais, Brendan Nicholas and Van Niekerk, Philip Bester and Niklewski, Jonas and Brischke, Christian and Militz, Holger}, month = oct, year = {2021}, pages = {60--62}, }
Studies into Fungal Decay of Wood in Ground Contact—Part 2: Development of a Dose–Response Model to Predict Decay Rate.
Marais, B. N.; van Niekerk, P. B.; and Brischke, C.
Forests, 12(6): 698. May 2021.
@article{marais_studies_2021, title = {Studies into {Fungal} {Decay} of {Wood} in {Ground} {Contact}—{Part} 2: {Development} of a {Dose}–{Response} {Model} to {Predict} {Decay} {Rate}}, volume = {12}, issn = {1999-4907}, shorttitle = {Studies into {Fungal} {Decay} of {Wood} in {Ground} {Contact}—{Part} 2}, url = {}, doi = {10.3390/f12060698}, abstract = {In this article a dose–response model was developed to describe the effect of soil temperature, soil moisture content, and soil water-holding capacity, on the decay of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) wood specimens exposed to soil contact. The developed dose–response model represents a step forward in incorporating soil-level variables into the prediction of wood decay over time. This builds upon prior models such as those developed within the TimberLife software package, but also aligns with similar modeling methodology employed for wood exposed above ground. The model was developed from laboratory data generated from terrestrial microcosm trials which used test specimens of standard dimension, incubated in a range of soil conditions and temperatures, for a maximum period of 16 weeks. Wood mass loss was used as a metric for wood decay. The dose aspect of the developed function modelled wood mass loss in two facets; soil temperature against wood mass loss, and soil water-holding capacity and soil moisture content against wood mass loss. In combination, the two functions describe the wood mass loss as a function of a total daily exposure dose, accumulated over the exposure period. The model was deemed conservative, delivering an overprediction of wood decay, or underprediction of wood service-life, when validated on a similar, but independent dataset (R2 = 0.65). Future works will develop similar models for outdoor, fieldtrial datasets as a basis for service-life prediction of wooden elements used in soil contact.}, language = {en}, number = {6}, urldate = {2021-06-01}, journal = {Forests}, author = {Marais, Brendan Nicholas and van Niekerk, Philip Bester and Brischke, Christian}, month = may, year = {2021}, pages = {698}, file = {Marais et al. - 2021 - Studies into Fungal Decay of Wood in Ground Contac.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\EMTLWHVF\\Marais et al. - 2021 - Studies into Fungal Decay of Wood in Ground Contac.pdf:application/pdf}, }
In this article a dose–response model was developed to describe the effect of soil temperature, soil moisture content, and soil water-holding capacity, on the decay of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) wood specimens exposed to soil contact. The developed dose–response model represents a step forward in incorporating soil-level variables into the prediction of wood decay over time. This builds upon prior models such as those developed within the TimberLife software package, but also aligns with similar modeling methodology employed for wood exposed above ground. The model was developed from laboratory data generated from terrestrial microcosm trials which used test specimens of standard dimension, incubated in a range of soil conditions and temperatures, for a maximum period of 16 weeks. Wood mass loss was used as a metric for wood decay. The dose aspect of the developed function modelled wood mass loss in two facets; soil temperature against wood mass loss, and soil water-holding capacity and soil moisture content against wood mass loss. In combination, the two functions describe the wood mass loss as a function of a total daily exposure dose, accumulated over the exposure period. The model was deemed conservative, delivering an overprediction of wood decay, or underprediction of wood service-life, when validated on a similar, but independent dataset (R2 = 0.65). Future works will develop similar models for outdoor, fieldtrial datasets as a basis for service-life prediction of wooden elements used in soil contact.
Modelling decay rates of timber exposed above ground on four different continents.
Francis, L. P; Morrell, J. J; Brischke, C.; Niekerk, P. B V.; and Norton, J.
In Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting, pages 15, online, webinar, June 2020.
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@inproceedings{francis_modelling_2020, address = {online, webinar}, title = {Modelling decay rates of timber exposed above ground on four different continents}, doi = {IRG/WP 20-20670}, abstract = {Durability performance data from an international decking trial were analysed to explore relationships with climate variables, particularly those related to temperature and rainfall. Matched decking samples of slash pine (Pinus elliottii) sapwood and heartwood, spotted gum (Corymbia citriodora), Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris) were exposed to the weather above ground in Australia, Malaysia, Germany, Denmark and the United States. Boards were assessed periodically detect decay, which was rated using a common assessment scale.}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Proceedings {IRG} {Annual} {Meeting}}, author = {Francis, Lesley P and Morrell, Jeffrey J and Brischke, Christian and Niekerk, Philip B Van and Norton, Jack}, month = jun, year = {2020}, pages = {15}, file = {Francis et al. - Modelling decay rates of timber exposed above grou.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\6SYYE7X7\\Francis et al. - Modelling decay rates of timber exposed above grou.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Durability performance data from an international decking trial were analysed to explore relationships with climate variables, particularly those related to temperature and rainfall. Matched decking samples of slash pine (Pinus elliottii) sapwood and heartwood, spotted gum (Corymbia citriodora), Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris) were exposed to the weather above ground in Australia, Malaysia, Germany, Denmark and the United States. Boards were assessed periodically detect decay, which was rated using a common assessment scale.
Impact of fungal decay on the bending properties of wood.
Bollmus, S.; van Niekerk, P. B.; and Brischke, C.
In Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting, pages 15, online, webinar, June 2020.
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@inproceedings{bollmus_impact_2020, address = {online, webinar}, title = {Impact of fungal decay on the bending properties of wood}, doi = {IRG/WP 20-20671}, abstract = {Wood used outdoors is generally prone to fungal degradation, and its impact on the structural integrity of wood is an immanent factor for service life planning with timber. Wood decayed to very small mass losses can suffer from a significant reduction in mechanical strength and elastic properties. Hence, the latter are preferred indicators to detect decay in wood durability studies. Numerous previous studies suggested, for instance, modulus of elasticity (MOE) measurements for decay detection since they outperform mass loss in terms of sensitivity. However, literature reports on the topic are not always consistent and partly contradictory. Therefore, this study aimed at 1.) comparing different methods for decay detection with respect to their sensitivity to decay and transferability to each other, and at 2.) quantifying the effect of white and brown rot decay on bending properties of wood.}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Proceedings {IRG} {Annual} {Meeting}}, author = {Bollmus, Susanne and van Niekerk, Philip Bester and Brischke, Christian}, month = jun, year = {2020}, pages = {15}, file = {Bollmus et al. - Impact of fungal decay on the bending properties o.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\FW32W8KY\\Bollmus et al. - Impact of fungal decay on the bending properties o.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Wood used outdoors is generally prone to fungal degradation, and its impact on the structural integrity of wood is an immanent factor for service life planning with timber. Wood decayed to very small mass losses can suffer from a significant reduction in mechanical strength and elastic properties. Hence, the latter are preferred indicators to detect decay in wood durability studies. Numerous previous studies suggested, for instance, modulus of elasticity (MOE) measurements for decay detection since they outperform mass loss in terms of sensitivity. However, literature reports on the topic are not always consistent and partly contradictory. Therefore, this study aimed at 1.) comparing different methods for decay detection with respect to their sensitivity to decay and transferability to each other, and at 2.) quantifying the effect of white and brown rot decay on bending properties of wood.
Digital transformation of biological processes and building design theory - an approach to facilitation of software design for service-life planning of timber elements.
Van Niekerk, P.; and Brischke, C.
In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Northern European Network on Wood Science and Engineering (WSE), pages 31–33, Lund, Sweden, October 2019.
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@inproceedings{van_niekerk_digital_2019, address = {Lund, Sweden}, title = {Digital transformation of biological processes and building design theory - an approach to facilitation of software design for service-life planning of timber elements}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th {Annual} {Meeting} of the {Northern} {European} {Network} on {Wood} {Science} and {Engineering} ({WSE})}, author = {Van Niekerk, P.B. and Brischke, C.}, month = oct, year = {2019}, pages = {31--33}, }