Firms and Markets (U&M)

- B.WIWI-OPH.0001 -

Study course for Bachelor Programs

Course Overview

What? How?
Course frequency every semester
Course type Lecture & Business Simulation (Tutorial)
Exam prerequisites Participation in the business simulation in groups
E-exam on lecture content

Group report on the business simulation process (15 pages)
Credits 6 ECTS
Admission requirements
Lecture: none

Business Simulation: passed E-exam (see below)


The module "Firms and Markets" is aimed at all first-year students in the economics bachelor programs at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. It is one of the first courses that new students attend as part of their first study phase - the orientation phase - and has an introductory function in many respects.

Initially, students are introduced to the basic contents of various business administration (BWL) and economics (VWL) topics through lectures. These contents form the basis for the exam and the business simulation. In addition, the lectures provide an opportunity to get to know various professors of the faculty early on and gain a first impression.

Following the theoretical lecture part, a computer-based business simulation (TOPSIM - Business Management) offers practical in-depth knowledge of business and economic interrelationships. In groups, students manage a virtual company over six periods (= six weeks) and gain insight into the processes of entrepreneurial activity. The aim is to provide an early basic understanding of BWL and VWL interrelationships and create a high recognition value for the further bachelor's degree.

Since participants compete in groups in the business simulation, they also have the opportunity to gain experience in teamwork at this early stage.

During the business simulation, students are supported by extensive tutorials. In these, they can ask group-specific questions about the simulation process, the underlying content, or the situation of their own virtual company. At the end of the semester, a final report is required, in which students learn the basic formalities of a scientific paper.

In addition, there are large-scale exercises during the semester where cross-group and market-wide simulation and report contents are discussed.

Learning targets

Students should

  • be able to describe and explain basic business administration interrelationships,

  • be able to analyze typical questions within central business administration functional areas,

  • be able to explain basic economic interrelationships and their relevance for entrepreneurial decision-making processes,

  • work on and reflect on classic business administration objectives based on specific decision requirements in a simulated example company, and assess macroeconomic influencing parameters within an integrative consideration,

  • understand the basic economic interrelationships and transfer this knowledge to new (simulation) situations,

  • be able to make decisions on typical problems in business practice in group work using acquired communication and organizational skills, and justify them argumentatively.


  • Registration Procedure

    Within the module "Business and Markets", two registration steps must be carried out. Students will be informed about the details of the registration procedures in the introductory event. An initial overview is provided below.

    The basic requirement for taking the exam is timely registration in the FlexNow system. Timely registration is absolutely necessary! The deadline can be found under "Schedule".
    Business Simulation/Tutorial
    Further information will be provided in the introductory event. The deadline can be found under "Schedule".

  • Exam Modalities

    • The exam consists of the theoretical lecture part and the practical business simulation part.

    • The lecture part is examined in an exam in the middle of the semester, and the business simulation part is examined in a final report at the end of the semester.

    • Assessment is only between "passed" and "failed", no further grading is given. To pass the course as a whole, a "passed" is required in both the exam and the final report.

    • The initial participation in the business simulation must take place in the semester of the passed e-exam.

    • The respective dates can be found under "Schedule".

    • Plagiarism will not be accepted and will be sanctioned accordingly. All group work will be checked for plagiarism.

    • If the final report is not passed, the passed e-exam will be recognized in subsequent attempts. Affected students will only start with the business simulation part. Don't forget to register in FlexNow!

  • Principles for Successful Group Work

    • Identification with the own group

    • Active participation of all group members

    • Set internal deadlines and control their adherence within the group!

    • To avoid problems in group work, an internal group contract can help, which contains binding statements about the procedure in certain situations.


Please refer to the German site for the current schedule.