Exhibition "Methoden der Digital Humanities" ("Methods of the Digital Humanities") in KWZ (15.10. to 20.11. 2019)
Exhibition „Methoden der Digital Humanities“ („Methods of the Digital Humanities”) in KWZ (15 October – 20 November 2019)
Which are the “Digital Humanities” and which methods are used in this subject? The “Digital Humanities” – as independent subject or as a collection of digital tools and methods – contain a wide spectrum of methods for research in the humanities.
The exhibition “Methoden der Digital Humanities“ 15. October – 20. November 2019 introduces to the new subject and the lately established Institute for “Digital Humanities” and initiates a dialogue about the new methods on the Faculty of Humanities. Using digital exhibits and posters the possibilities, opportunities and risks of integrating digital methods in the research and teaching segment in humanities are pointed out. The opening took place on 15 November 2019 at 11.00 in the foyer of the KWZ, Heinrich Düker Weg 14, 37073 Göttingen.
Jan Steyer, who contributed to the overall concept guides through the exhibition on Friday, 15 November 2019 at 15.00 and 16.00.
The guided tour takes approx. 45 minutes. Following the exhibits can be contemplated individually.
Meeting place: Foyer of the KWZ (Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14, Göttingen).
You can find impressions of the exhibition opening in the Göttinger Tageblatt
The booklet to the display case "Analoge und digitale Erfassung von Sammlungsobjekten" (“Analog and digital capturing of collectibles”) you can download here.