Seminar on Topics in Business Information Systems and Business Administration

- B.WIWI-WIN.0027 -

Study course for Bachelor Programs

Course Overview

What? How?
Course frequency every semester
Course type Seminar
Exam prerequisites none
Examination Term paper (~20 pages) and
presentation (~20 minutes + ~20 minutes discussion)
Credits 6 ECTS
Admission requirements Participation in Block course: Introduction to Scientific Work

Application mandatory and attendance at all presentation dates
>> Dates, Application and Topics <<


The course offers a selection of research topics from the areas of Business Information Systems, informatics, and business studies. Students are expected to write a paper and present its results in the seminar. This course is a good preparation for the final thesis.

The course takes place in the form of a compact course. Students have to participate in all dates and actively work on the tasks.

Learning targets

The students should

  • become acquainted with a topic in a relatively short time and present this topic in the form of a scientific seminar paper,

  • present their results before an audience,

  • answer critical questions on the topic ad hoc and be able to discuss it,

  • acquire writing skills for their final paper.

General Information

Conditions for receiving credits:

  • Participation in Block course: Introduction to Scientific Work,

  • Writing a seminar paper,

  • Timely submission of the seminar paper (in bound form) and as a PDF to the respective supervisor,

  • Presentation of the seminar paper on the presentation dates and attendance at all presentation dates.


Chair of Application Systems and E-Business

Michael Groth

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5

37073 Göttingen

Tel. +49 551 39 26056