Research Interest
- regional economics
- innovation systems/ entrepreneurial ecosystems
- knowledge and technology transfer / digital transformation of SME
Working Paper
- Bäumle, P. & Bizer, K. (2022): A resource-based analysis of strategic alliances between knowledge intermediaries in regional innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems. ifh Working Paper No. 36/2022
- Bäumle, P. Hirschmann, D., Feser, D. (2022): The roles of knowledge intermediaries in sustainability transitions and digitalization: Academia-driven fostering of socio-technical transitions? ifh Working Paper No. 35/2022
Other Publications
- Lange, J., Bizer, K., Bäumle, P. (Hrsg.) (2021): Transferverbünde für Innovation. Impulse für die Wirtschaft? Loccumer Protokolle Band 28/2021, 52 Seiten, Rehburg-Loccum.
- Bäumle, P. & Bizer, K. (2022): Bizer, K., Krieger, R., Bäumle, P. (2020): Regionalstrategie 2020-2025. Zukunft für | in | aus Südniedersachsen. SüdniedersachsenStiftung, Göttingen.
- Bäumle, P., Bizer, K., Proeger, T. (2020): Kooperationsstrukturen für die Regionalentwicklung – Erfahrungen aus Südniedersachsen. In: Neues Archiv für Niedersachsen, Nr. 2/2020, S. 86-103.
Topics for Degree Theses
The suggestions represent broad subject areas. The precise topics will be assigned to each student after consultation.
- knowledge and technology transfer between the scientific and the private sector
- regional economics
- economics and innovation in rural areas
- digital transformation of SME
- qualitative methods