Presentations: Online Introductory Week

04.-08. March 2024


You are currently preparing your stay in Germany and have questions about your trip, your arrival, and all the other formalities that need to be organized upon arrival? Then the session "Welcome to Göttingen" is just right for you! Bring all your questions with you. We look forward to exchanging ideas with you!

Language: English

(die Zeiten für die Info-Veranstaltung auf Deutsch finden Sie hier)

Location: The link to the online meeting room will be emailed to all new international students.

Learning Agreement, contact persons, registration, health insurance etc.

Language: English

(die Zeiten für die Info-Veranstaltung auf Deutsch finden Sie hier)

Location: The link to the online meeting room will be emailed to all new international students.

Today we will explain how to get your student ID and the access data for your student account, and show you the most important online portals of the university. You will use these portals to organize your studies, including taking courses and registering for exams. We will introduce you to the portals eCampus and StudIP and show you the FlexNow system for exam administration.

Language: English

(die Zeiten für die Info-Veranstaltung auf Deutsch finden Sie hier)

Location: The link to the online meeting room will be emailed to all new international students.

New in Göttingen? Are you looking for contact with other students? Then get to know the subject partnership program! It brings German and international students together, promotes exchange and makes the arrival on site and the start of your studies easier and nicer!

Language: English

(die Zeiten für die Info-Veranstaltung auf Deutsch finden Sie hier)

Location: The link to the online meeting room will be emailed to all new international students.

How do you study in Germany? How is a degree program structured? Which modules and courses do I have to take and when? We address these questions, introduce course types and forms of examination, and also go into the grading system. Finally, we give tips on studying and preparing for exams.

Language: English

(die Zeiten für die Info-Veranstaltung auf Deutsch finden Sie hier)

Location: The link to the online meeting room will be emailed to all new international students.

Where can you find answers to your questions? Where is the best place to study, what libraries are there? Where can I take German courses and improve my German? What should I know about Germans and German culture in order to get along well in everyday life? Living in Göttingen - Dos and Don'ts! International and German students share their experiences with you!

Language: English

(die Zeiten für die Info-Veranstaltung auf Deutsch finden Sie hier)

Location: The link to the online meeting room will be emailed to all new international students.

Many international students want to work while studying. How does that work best? How do you find work in Göttingen? Do you have to speak German? What is the best way to apply? Our colleague will give you important tips on all these questions and explain the possibilities of working alongside your studies. Learn how you can already start planning your career while completing your studies.

Language: English

(die Zeiten für die Info-Veranstaltung auf Deutsch finden Sie hier)

Location: The link to the online meeting room will be emailed to all new international students.

What is there to discover in Göttingen and the surrounding area? What can I do with the Kultursemesterticket? Where can I meet other students? We would like to answer these and many other questions about leisure activities in this session. No matter if museum, cinema, sports, concerts and clubs: There is something for everyone!

Language: English

(die Zeiten für die Info-Veranstaltung auf Deutsch finden Sie hier)

Location: The link to the online meeting room will be emailed to all new international students.

Everyone needs an apartment, but affordable housing is also hard to find in Göttingen. How do students live in Göttingen? What types of housing are there? How do I find a room or an apartment? What can I expect in a student dormitory? How much does living in Göttingen cost? Answers to these questions and many more are provided by the colleagues of the Accommodation Service for International Students?

Language: English

(die Zeiten für die Info-Veranstaltung auf Deutsch finden Sie hier)

Location: The link to the online meeting room will be emailed to all new international students.

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The International Office
Incoming Office

Von-Siebold-Straße 2
37075 Göttingen

Personal Office Hours:
Mon 10am-12pm and Wed 2-4pm

Hotline-International students and applicants

+49 551/39 27777

Calling Hours:
Mon 1-4pm and Tue-Fri 9am-12pm



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