Beitrag auf der 16th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik

Die Professur für Anwendungssysteme und E-Business ist mit einem Beitrag auf der 16th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik vertreten:

Raphael Meyer von Wolff präsentierte den Beitrag "Sorry, I Can't Understand You! – Influencing Factors and Challenges of Chatbots at Digital Workplaces".

  • Abstract: Chatbot research is currently on its rise since many researchers focus on this topic from different perspectives. Thereby, the focus mostly lies on application areas that originate from business contexts. However, application areas and potential outcomes are already subject to research. The business perspective on influencing factors for an application of chatbots at workplaces or their corresponding challenges is underrepresented as less to none research exists. Therefore, we targeting this research gap by an empirical cross-section interview study with 29 domain experts for the application of chatbots at the digital workplace. We categorize the findings with an extension of the TOE-Framework and show that in the core categories of technological, organizational, individual, and environmental 11 sub-influencing factors exist. Furthermore, we also identify 36 challenges, which are relevant in the particular influencing factors.