SALLnet at SPACES II Midterm Meeting
SPACES II – Science Partnerships for the Adaptation to Complex Earth System Processes focuses on scientific cooperation projects in Southern Africa with nine projects, that contribute to the formulation of science-based recommendations for the management of the Earth System and the sustainable use and conservation of the region's various ecosystem services. German research institutions and universities are working in cooperation with partner institutions in Namibia and South Africa. SPACES II is funded by the BMBF with approximately 19 million euros.
SPACES II Midterm Meeting, 21 October 2020
Over 120 SPACES II researchers and stakeholders have attended the SPACES II Midterm meeting on the 21st of October 2020. Lively discussions ranged from shared Covid-19 challenges to collaborative initiatives, and future plans.SALLnet at the SPACES II Midterm Meeting
SALLnet was represented at the meeting by Reimund Rötter, who showcased the entire project.
Tentative results of SALLnet case studies were presented in these posters.