Aycan Aslan

Research Fields and Interests

  • Ethical AI in Healthcare
  • Privacy-preserving AI
  • Explainable AI (XAI)
  • Fairness and bias in AI systems

Curriculum Vitae

Academic Experience

  • Since 06/2021 Doctorate, Digital Health Research Group - Chair of Information Management, University of Goettingen, Germany
  • 10/2018 - 05/2020 Master of Science in Global Business, University of Goettingen, Germany
  • 10/2014 - 03/2018 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Free University Berlin, Germany

Work Experience

  • Since 06/2021 Research Associate, Digital Health Research Group - Chair of Information Management, University of Goettingen, Germany
  • 09/2020 – 05/2021 Working Student, Data Analytics, Apollo Health Ventures, Berlin, Germany
  • 01/2019 – 05/2020 Student Assistance, Data Analytics, Chair of Electronic Finance and Digital Markets, University of Goettingen, Germany
  • 10/2018 – 01/2019 Working Student, IT Solutions, PwC Germany, Hannover, Germany
  • 06/2018 – 09/2018 Intern, Management Consulting, Horvath, Stuttgart, Germany

  • Publications

    • Aslan, A., Greve, M., Kolbe, L. (2024): Mitigating Discontinuance in Medical AI Systems: The Role of AI Explanations, International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) [VHB 3: C]
    • Aslan, A., Greve, M. (2024): Unpacking AI Advice for Decision-Making: A Novel Toulmin-Based Conceptualization, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Paphos, Cyprus [VHB: B]
    • Aslan, A. (2024): The Effect of AI Explanations on Medical Experts Detecting Misdiagnosis by AI Systems (Short Paper), European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Paphos, Cyprus [VHB: B]
    • Diesterhöft, T. O., Aslan, A., Muntermann, J. (2024): Revisiting Taxonomy Development In IS: A Call For The Use Of Primary Data And Quantitative Methods (TREO Forum), European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Paphos, Cyprus [VHB: B]

    • 2023
    • Zajac, K., Aslan, A., Greve, M., Kolbe, L.M., Theron, G., Niesler, T., Cobelens, F., Klopper, M., Ssengooba, W., Joloba, M. (2023): Bridging Healthcare Barriers with mHealth: A Systematic Review of Tuberculosis Applications and their Limitations, American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Panama City, Panama [VHB: D]
    • Aslan, A., Matschak, T., Greve, M., Trang, S., Kolbe, L. M. (2023): At What Price? Exploring the Potential and Challenges of Differentially Private Machine Learning for Healthcare, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) [VHB 3: C]

    • 2022
    • Aslan, A., Greve, M., Braun, M., Kolbe, L. M. (2022): Doctors’ Dilemma – Understanding the Perspective of Medical Experts on AI Explanations, Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) [VHB 3: A]
    • Aslan, A., Greve, M., Diesterhöft, T. O., Braun, M (2022): Choose Your Words Wisely!
      Understanding the Strategic Communication of Differential Privacy, Proceedings of the Pre-ICIS Workshop on Information Security And Privacy (WISP) [VHB 3: n.a.]
    • Aslan, A. & Greve, M. (2022): Differential Privacy: A Gamechanger for Utilizing Sensitive Health Data for Digital Innovation (Extended Abstract), Towards Health Futures: Innovating with Health Data, a Pre-ICIS Workshop [VHB 3: n.a.]
    • Diesterhöft, T. O., Schweneker, S.I., Masuch, K., Aslan, A., Braun, M. (2022): The Role of Uncertainty in Data Breach Response Processes - A Reactance Theory Perspective, International of Americas Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) [VHB 3: A]
    • Diesterhöft, T. O., Aslan, A., Braun, M. (2022): Play Your Cards Right: Utilizing Differential Privacy as a Competitive Advantage, Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) [VHB 3: D]
    • Aslan, A., Greve, M., Lembcke, T.B. (2022): Let´s do our Bit: How Information Systems Research Can Contribute to Ethical Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) [VHB 3: D]
    • Diesterhöft, T. O., Thole, D.C., Aslan, A., H., Vogel, J. (2022): Nobody Said IT Was Easy - Managing Government-Initiated Information Systems in Addressing and Preparing for Health Crises, Proceedings of European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) [VHB 3: B]
    • Braun, M., Aslan, A., Diesterhöft, T. O., Greve, M., Brendel, A. B., Kolbe, L. M. (2022): Just what the Doctor ordered - Towards Design Principles for NLP-based Systems in Healthcare, Design Science Research in Information Systems (DESRIST) [VHB 3: C]
    • Diesterhöft, T. O., Greve, M., Aslan, A., Kolbe, L. (2022): Together We Are Stronger - Paving the Way for Value Co-Creation in Data Breach Responses, International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) [VHB 3: C]
    • Aslan, A., Greve, M., Diesterhöft, T.O., Kolbe, L. (2022): Can Our Health Data Stay Private? A Review and Future Directions for IS Research on Privacy-Preserving AI in Healthcare, International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) [VHB 3: C]

    Research Activities