Back to the basics (A/B)

Amount of working units: 12 AE


  • Mon, 7th of March 2022; 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM (Zoom-Meeting)
  • Transfer-Phase (2 AE workload), with collective feedback at the second Zoom-Meeting
  • Mon, 14th of March 2022; 9 AM - 12:30 PM (Zoom-Meeting)
  • Transfer-Phase (2 AE workload), with individual feedback

Registration: Please register no later than Mon, 10th of January 2022.

Venue: Virtual venue (Zoom), details will be announced prior to the meeting.

Workshop language: English

Most university lecturers have learned their teaching skills on the job. These valuable skills can easily be increased and expanded by embedding them into didactical theory, supplying them with established wording and enriching through exchange of know-how. This four part interactive workshop provides an opportunity for long-term teachers to evaluate their teaching designs, their learning outcomes and their methodological planning. It is highly recommended to join this workshop with a real-life example or an upcoming lesson at hand.
The online support adds additional value by exploring digital learning and teaching resources.

Intended learning outcomes:
Throughout the workshop participants:

  • evaluate their course-design techniques using their own example;
  • try out options for selecting and reducing content;
  • select methods for a design rich in learning outcomes;
  • discuss hands-on-tips among their peers
  • identify ways to transfer theories of teaching and learning to their own profession

The workshop leads through each step of planning university courses and lessons, with the individual real-life examples as the centerpieces of the workshop. Participants are encouraged to actively engage in discussions and carry out small tasks, regarding their own teaching design at hand. Parts of the workshop are being completed by blended learning (StudIP/Ilias).

Trainer: Lisa David