Career Choices: The art of creating a career that you love (GGG/GFA) in presence or online
Target group:
PhD students of GGG and GFA, other PhD students if free places are available
29. & 30.09.2022 (each day 9:00 am - 5:00 pm) plus
13.10.2022 (09:00 am - 01:00 pm)
Hannah-Vogt-Saal, Alte Mensa, Wilhelmsplatz 3, 37073 Göttingen (29. & 30.09.2022)
Big seminar room, Convention Centre by the Observatory, Geismar Landstr. 11, 37083 Göttingen (13.10.2022)
Available seats: 12
Course language: English
Lecturers: Dr. Kerstin Mauth
In todays fast changing and complex world careers - either inside or outside academia - are getting more and more unpredictable and
thus difficult to plan. Long ago are the times in which one would enter university with a job description in mind, end up in that job and stay in it ever after. Careers are more flexibel, agile and disrupted than ever before. Navigating a career under these circumstances asks for specific mindsets and instruments. This highly interactive workshop equips participants with insights and tools that help them to build a
career that fits their values and strengths. It helps them to move forward towards what is meaningful to them and navigate times of
uncertainty with clarity and ease.
Topics to be covered:
- Values: Uncover your Life's Intentions Transferable skills & personality traits: Knowing your strengths and your potential
- Networks: Who are your supporters?
- Creating career plans: Experimenting with and exploring different paths
- Decision making: How to take decisions when facing uncertainty
- Keep moving: Taking creative action towards new shores
- attendance on all three sessions
- conducting 3 information interviews (instructions will follow)
- written reflection (2 pages) on the lessons learnt (to be sent to after the course)
Credits: 2
Please, send an e-mail to
Contact for more information: Nelly Schubert, Phone: +551 39-28217
This course is organized by the Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences (GGG).