Professional career

• 2016 Appointment as “außerplanmäßiger Professor” (extraordinary professor)
• 2011 Habilitation at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Habilitation Thesis " Biofilm calcification and microbialite formation in context of their depositional environments"
venia legendi in Geology and Palaeontology
• 2005 Deputy Coordinator DFG Research Group "Geobiology of Bio- and Organofilms" (FOR 571)
• 1999: Promotion (Dr. rer. nat.) at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
Doctoral Thesis "Calcification of non-marine cyanobacterial biofilms (USA, PR China, Indonesia, Germany) - Implications for the interpretation of fossil microbialites"
• 1992-1997: Fellow of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
• 1995 - 1999: Promotion
• 1994: Diploma at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen
Diploma Thesis "Algenflora und Fazies der miozänen Karbonate am Nordrand des Kratersees im Nördlinger Ries (Süddeutschland)"
• 1989 - 1994: Study of geology and palaeontology at the University of Erlangen

Research Topics

Biofilm Calcification & Stromatolites
• salt lakes
• karstic streams
• ocean chemistry

Nördlinger Ries Crater Lake
(DFG-Project AR 335/9)
• microbial carbonates
• lacustrine sediments
• chemical lake evolution

Lower Jurassic Schwarzjura Group
• stratigraphy
• ammonites & bivalves
• seawater currents

Microbial alteration of carbonates
(DFG-Project AR 335/8)

Current Projects

"Microbial alteration of geochemical and isotope proxies in fine-grained carbonate sediments” (DFG AR335/8)
"Ejecta erosion, thermal and chemical lake evolution of the Ries impact structure” (DFG AR335/9)
"Projekt-Initiative “Ries-Krater”: Bohrung Erbisberg"


Modul M.Geo.112: Geomicrobiology
Modul B.Geo.209: Biosedimentology
Modul B.Geo.102, GÜ Va: Regional Geology of Göttingen
Modul B.Geo.107: Geological Mapping
