CiBreed Divisions
CiBreed Divisions
Agricultural Entomology
- Prof. Dr. Michael Rostás
We investigate the chemical ecology of plant-insect interactions to deepen our understanding of these relationships and promote environmentally friendly crop protection strategies.
Animal Breeding and Genetics
- Prof. Dr. Christine Große-Brinkhaus
Applied Bioinformatics
- Prof. Dr. Jan de Vries
We use comparative functional genomics to understand the evolution and principles of the stress response system of land plants.
Biotechnology and Reproduction of Farm Animals
- Prof. Dr. Michael Hölker
We research the molecular relationships and mechanisms that influence the characteristics of fertility and thus the health and robustness of our farm animals.
Breeding Informatics
- Prof. Dr. Armin Schmitt
We strive to develop and improve informatics and statistical methods to support crop and livestock breeding.
Chair of Agricultural and Public Law
- Prof. Dr. Jose Martinez
We research the legal framework across all branches of crop, tree, and animal breeding.
Chairs of Statistics and Econometrics
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Kneib
Focused on flexible regression models based on Bayesian inference, our research lies at the interface between machine learning and statistical learning.
Crop Plant Genetics
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Scholten
We are interested in genetics, epigenetics, and resistance traits to support breeding through understanding complex traits.
Forest Botany and Tree Physiology
- Prof. Dr. Andrea Polle
We study the physiology of trees in response to environmental factors.
Forest Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding
- Prof. Dr. Olliver Gailing
We are interested in adaptation mechanisms and tree improvement at the molecular level.
Friedrich-Löffler Institute: Institute of Farm Animal Genetics
- apl. Prof. Dr. Steffen Weigend
Functional Agrobiodiversity
- Prof. Dr. Cathrin Westphal
We are interested in the effects of new cultivars and genotypes on productivity, functional agrobiodiversity, and multiple ecosystem functions in different cropping systems and environments.
Functional Breeding
- Prof. Dr. Jens Tetens
We are combining quantitative and molecular approaches to understand the genetics of functional traits related to animal health and resource efficiency.
Genetics and Physiology of Root Development
- Prof. Dr. Hannah Schneider
The overall goal is to understand the function and genetic control of root traits in specific environments with the aim of enhancing soil resource capture and plant performance to secure food production in a changing climate.
Genomic and Applied Microbiology
- Prof. Dr. Rolf Daniel
One focus of the department is metagenome- and metatranscriptome-based analysis of the structure and function of complex microbial communities, as well as the culture-independent recovery of novel genes and gene products from metagenomic samples. This research is complemented by the isolation, characterization, and exploitation of biotechnologically relevant or pathogenic microorganisms.
Institute of Sugar Beet Research
- apl. Prof. Dr. Anne-Katrin Mahlein
At the IfZ, we are developing innovative sugar beet cultivation practices, considering all aspects of sugar beet production, like yield and quality forming, or plant diseases and protection as well as plant phenotyping, where we develop and use modern machines, sensors, robots, and analyzing tools.
Institute of Veterinary Medicine
- Prof. Dr. Bertram Brenig
We are interested in the structural and functional analysis of mammalian genes and genomes and are investigating the cause of different important genetic traits and defects in domestic animals.
Marketing for Food and Agricultural Products
- Prof. Dr. Achim Spiller
Plant Breeding Methodology
- apl. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Link
We develop and study statistical, computational, and evolutionary methods that enable plant breeding and plant genetic analysis.
Plant Pathology and Crop Protection
- Prof. Dr. Andreas von Tiedemann
We study life cycles of fungal pathogens and the interaction with their host plants in order to advance knowledge to manage plant diseases in agricultural crops.