Board Members
Involved Groups
- Prof. Dr. Anne Schacht, spokesperson, Cognition, Emotion and Behavior
- Prof. Dr. Alexander Gail, deputy speaker, Sensorimotor Group, German Primate Center
- Prof. Dr. Nivedita Mani, Psychology of Language
- Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Marschik, Systemic Ethology and Developmental Science, UMG
- Prof. Dr. Marcella Woud Experimental Psychopathology
- Dr. Thorsten Albrecht, mid-level representation
- Dr. Rebecca Jürgens, MTV-representation
- Biological Personality Psycholoy, Prof. Dr. Lars Penke
- Data Science, Prof. Dr. Alexander Ecker
- Data-driven Analysis of Biological Networks, Prof. Dr. Michael Wibral
- Experimental Psychopathology, Prof. Dr. Marcella Woud
- Cognition, Emotion and Behavior, Prof. Dr. Anne Schacht
- Developmental Psychology, Prof. Dr. Hannes Rakoczy
- Psychology of Language, Prof. Dr. Nivedita Mani
- Cognitive Neuroscience, German Primate Center, Prof. Dr. Stefan Treue
- Sensorimotor Group, German Primate Center, Prof. Dr. Alexander Gail
- Social Interaction and Developmental Neuroscience, UMG, Dr. Martin Schulte-Rüther
- Systemic Ethology and Developmental Science, UMG, Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Marschik
- Translational Psychotherapy, Prof. Dr. Andre Pittig
- Dr. Rebecca Jürgens
Dr. Rowan Titchener
Coordination & Management
Georg-Elias-Müller Institut für Psychologie
Goßlerstraße 14
hucab (at)
+49 551 39 28020
Involved Institutions and Associations: