Catalogue of Courses - Agricultural Sciences

Current Catalogue of Courses - Agricultural Sciences (effective 17th October 2024)

A preparatory course is required for the recognition of the following modules.

In addition to the certificate of attendance of the preparatory course, its suitability for the intended module is confirmed by a member of the doctoral student's thesis committee who is an authorised examiner. The choice of course is free. You can find suitable offers here, for example:

Courses offered by external providers that do not provide credits can also be attended.

Regulation for admission before winter semester 2022/23

If you were admitted to the PhD programme before the winter semester 2022/23, you are free to continue to study according to the old catalogue of courses.
Diffenrences in credit requirements:
Old catalogue of coursesFrom winter term 2022/23 on
6C Progress reports6C Colloquium
6C Methods6C - 12C Methods & Professional Knowledge
6C Professional Knowledge
6C Scientific Writing or key competence modules offered by the GFA0C - 6C Key competencies or key competence modules offered by the GFA
6C Scientific writing and presentation
overall: 24Coverall: 24C
Old Catalogue of Courses - Agricultural Sciences (effective 18th February 2022)