Nils Imse
Nils Imse finished his BSc (2017) and MSc (2021) at the University of Göttingen. His MSc project, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ulf Diederichsen, was on the synthesis of rotationally constrained α-TOPP Spinmarkers and their application. He is a PhD student in the Simeth group since 2022, focusing on the synthesis and characterization of photocleavable artificial membrane lipids.Publications
[2] Mougios, N., Cotroneo, E.R., Imse, N., Setzke, J., Rizzoli, S.O., Simeth, N.A., Tsukanov, R. and Opazo, F., 2024. NanoPlex: a universal strategy for fluorescence microscopy multiplexing using nanobodies with erasable signals. Nature Communications, 15(1), p.8771.previously as pre-print:
[1] Imse, N., Simeth, N.A., 2023. Der richtige Dreh: Helicene enantioselektiv synthetisieren. Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 9 (71).