Winter term 2021-2022
German Sign Language (DGS) I
- organizer: Markus Steinbach
- lecturer: Frank Hoffmann (Kassel)
- time/location: Tuesdays, 12-2 pm, library/conference room (2.112). Start on January, 18
- amount: 15*2, 4 ECTS points
Syntactic and morphological theory
- lecturer: Guido Mensching
- time/location: Tuesdays, 4-6 p.m.
Mapping LF to meaning II
- lecturers: Clemens Steiner-Mayr, Ekaterina Vostrikova
- time/location: Thursdays, 4-6 p.m.
This course accompanies the course HS semantics: Mapping LF to meaning I. It deepens the understanding of the issues discussed in it by looking at relevant background literature and contrasting the views considered there with potential alternatives.
- organizer: Gurmeet Kaur, Hedde Zeijlstra, Markus Steinbach, Clemens Steiner-Mayr
- time/location: August 30 to September 3, 2021
- Homepage