Lars Knieper

As part of the Data Science Hub, I contributed to the creation of our webapp collection.

Research Interests

  • Statistical Boosting
  • Generalised Geo-Additive Mixed Models


  • Advanced Statistical Inference (Likelihood and Bayes) (WiSe2023/2024)
  • Data Science II (SoSe2023, SoSe2024)
  • Grundlagen Bayesianischer Statistik und Statistisches Lernen (WiSe2024/2025)
  • Praktikum Statistische Modellierung (SoSe2024, SoSe2025)

For theses, a personal meeting is recommended, where also topics outside of the theses offered here are possible.


mermboost - A novel gradient boosting framework for mixed models. [R pacakge via CRAN]
