DecLaRe – Decision Support for Strengthening Land Resilience in the Face of Global Challenges
Sustainable land use and food security
The ethnological research project within the interdisciplinary and international project DecLaRe focuses on the multilayered, often ambiguous and partly contradictory land rights, land rights reforms and land use regimes in the rural area of northern Benin. In particular, we examine how institutional dynamics in the transition from communal to individual and private law relationships of rural and pastoral populations to their land affect the sustainability of land use, technical and social innovations in resource management, gender relations within rural households and communities, and conflict situations between field farmers and pastoralists.The project continues a long-standing partnership with the University of Parakou in Benin and offers numerous opportunities for student collaboration. It is part of an interdisciplinary consortium of research institutions in Benin, Burkina Faso, Germany and Ghana.
Main Project
Decision Support for Strengthening Land Resilience in the Face of Global Challenges (DecLaRe)
15.10.2022 bis 14.10.2026
Dr. Georges Djohy
Dr. Jeannett Martin
Eunice Sarpong
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Partner Institution
University of Parakou, National School of Statistics, Planning and Demography (ENSPD)