- on this page we provide information about any restrictions on the central campus due to the construction work -


  • dismantling of existing buildings starting 09/2023 - work completed
  • construction site clearing starting 10/2023 - work completed
  • groundwater lowering starting 02/2024 - work underway (for c. 1 year)
  • excavation pit/shoring starting 02/2024 - work underway
  • construction of shell to begin 07/2024
  • Foundation stone laying 16.09.2024

  • Construction complete: End of 2026

    • Building and disruption reports

    • Crane installation: Heinrich-Düker-Weg will be closed on 18.06.2024. to allow for crane installation. Please note: Due to stormy weather conditions, the crane installation has been delayed and Heinrich-Düker-Weg will remain closed until midday on 19.06.2024. Heinrich-Düker-weg has been re-opened.

    • Shell construction: Work to begin July 2024.

    • Excavation pit: Excavation work is being carried out until the beginning of July. There will be a high volume of trucks in Goßlerstraße during this time.

    • Teaching: During construction the courses of the programs BSc Psychologie, MSc Psychologie and MSc Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie will be held in alternative rooms (please see EXA entries).

    • Website last updated: 28.06.2024