We offer statistical consulting for doctoral candidates belonging to the following graduate schools (GAUSS, GGG, GFA, GSGG). The consulting primarily includes provisional assistance with questions regarding data collection, statistical modeling, and statistical inference.
Doctoral candidates, please contact:
Jens Lichter
Center for Statistics
Humboldtallee 3, Room 2.110
by filling out the questionnaire for doctoral candidates below. Consultation appointments are only possible after registering through the questionnaire! We kindly ask everyone who has participated in consultation appointments to fill out the Evaluation.
Additionally, the Center for Statistics offers a seminar "Introduction to Statistics for PhD students" every semester. This seminar is aimed exclusively at doctoral candidates from GAUSS, GGG, GFA, or GSGG. Registration for the course takes place on stud.ip and is open one month before the start of the course.
We offer students enrolled in a Bachelor's or Master's program at the University of Göttingen statistical consulting for Bachelor's, seminar, or Master's theses. The consulting includes, in particular, questions regarding the selection of an appropriate model or a suitable statistical analysis procedure for given data (e.g., generalized linear regression, survival analysis, mixed models, structural equation models, nonparametric statistical methods, etc.), general questions about handling different data types (e.g., time series vs. cross-sectional vs. panel data), and the choice of a suitable estimation procedure (e.g., likelihood-based, Bayesian, etc.). Moreover, the consulting includes support for data analysis implementation in common statistical software packages (Excel, R, Stata, SPSS, etc.), interpretation of the results, and assistance in the scientific presentation of the outcomes.
Students of Economics and Biology should contact:
Jens Lichter
Center for Statistics
Humboldtallee 3, Room 2.110
by filling out the questionnaire for students (see the right column). Consultation appointments are only possible after registering through the questionnaire.
We kindly ask everyone who has participated in consultation appointments to fill out the evaluation.
For questions regarding the planning and implementation of empirical studies (e.g., questions on research design, survey methods, sampling development, etc.) as well as qualitative research methods, students should contact the Method Center of the Social Sciences.
Students of Medicine should refer to the corresponding institution of the University Medical Center Göttingen: UMG Consulting Services.
Students of Psychology should contact the Statistikwerkstatt Psychologie.
Students of Agricultural Sciences in the area of Crop Sciences should contact Christian Kluth.