Explorable Data Science

Ethik und KI
Quadrate in 4x4-Raster mit Flexbox

Odd One Out

In this experiment, you will be shown four images on a certain topic. Your task is to determine which of these images was generated by an artificial intelligence. The game ends as soon as you are wrong four times.

Ethics and AI

There are many unanswered questions in our dealings with AI. We would like to invite you to join in the discussion with the help of the following questions.

  • Authenticity in the Digital Age: How to Distinguish the Real from the Artificially Created? What role does "authenticity" play in a digitally dominated world?
  • Trust in AI: Do we trust artificial intelligence too much? Or are we too suspicious?
  • The value of humanity: In a world where AI can replicate almost anything, what does it mean to be human? How do we define value and originality?
  • Deception and AI: What are the ethical concerns about AI that can deceive humans? What limits should be set?
  • Responsibility and creation: Who is responsible for what AI creates? The developer? The user? Or the AI itself?
  • Transparency in AI: Should algorithms be disclosed to show how they create images or other content? Where do we draw the line between intellectual property protection and the right to information?

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