' Ladies Only' by Rebana Liz John

India/2021/ 79 min

Event details
Date:07 December
Time: 19:30
Venue: Alfred-Hessel-Saal,Papendiek 14, 37073 Göttingen
Film Maker: Rebana Liz John
Discussant: Aastha Tyagi (Universität Hamburg)

“What makes you angry?” asks the filmmaker. A small film crew enters the ladies compartments of the local trains in Mumbai. Chance encounters and acquaintances are invited to reveal their opinions, their confessions and their stories in a ‘public’ space. Their diverse answers thread themselves into an unfolding tapestry of details and observations. The light on the faces, the.figures in the background, the driving noises of the train and the interactions between the travelers bring the space alive. Black and white images distill the essence of the space. A poetic rhythm takes us across Mumbai and it's mix of cultures, languages and faces, providing insight into how urban Indian women see and shape their lives. Through a feminist lens, the filmmaker explores what ambitions and freedoms mean for women in a hyper-industrial, wealth-driven and complex world.
- Academy of Media Arts Cologne