The following page contains the form to apply for the PhD position at RTG 2756 CYTAC (Step 1). Please make sure to fill out all mandatory fields (*). Otherwise, the form will not be submitted. You will get an error message. Previously enetered information is not stored when going back. You cannot access your data after submission and cannot make any changes.

After submitting your data, you will receive an email confirming your submission. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please contact us.

In addition to the form, make sure to send the required documents at, which is Step 2 of the application process.

Application form for PhD positions (RTG CYTAC Cohort 2025)

General information:

Last Name *
First Name *


The highest degree obtained *
Date of the highest degree obtained (yyyy/mm) *
Other degree (ongoing) expected to be completed by January 1st, 2025 *
If applicable: expected date of the final exam for ongoing degree (yyyy/mm)
Type and subject of the highest degree obtained (e.g. Master in Physics) *
University of the highest degree obtained *
Country of the highest degree obtained *
Grade (as given on transcript) *
Grade (transferred to the German system) *

(To convert any international grade to the German system, you can use the converter by the Technical University Munich (TUM): grade converter TUM , or on the Institute for X-ray Physics Website: IRP converter)

Is English your native language? *
Total duration of your Master’s thesis project (in months) *
Time spent on the thesis project (in %) *

Additional information:

Date of birth (yyyy/mm/dd) *
City and country of birth *
Citizenship(s) *

Contact details:

Email address *
Mobile phone *

Project choices:

Please select your first preference among the RTG 2756 projects. *
Please select your second preference among the RTG 2756 projects. *
Please select your third preference of the RTG 2756 projects. *
Please briefly explain your selection of preferred projects. *

Additional remarks:

How did you hear about these PhD opportunities?
Optional: If you have any additional remarks, please enter them here.

Data protection note

By submitting this form, you confirm that you have read and accept our Privacy Policy.

By submitting this form, you confirm that you have read and accept our Privacy Policy.

* Mandatory field