Welcome at LARI!
The Laboratory for Radioisotopes (LARI) is a service and research facility of the University Göttingen and part of the Department of forest botany and tree physiology. It offers the following service to members of the University and external users:
Measuring radionuclides
We measure:
- Environmental samples
- Enriched samples
- Contamination samples
We can detect:
- Beta radioation
- Gammas radioation
- (Alpha radiation)
Measurement devices:
- Liquid scintillation counters
- Gammaspectrometry
- Gammacounter
- Phosphoimager
Sample preparation methods:
- Milling
- Combustion
- Acid pressured digestion
Measuring radionuclides
A place to carry out your experiments
We offer the following infrastrucutre for experimental work:
- Laboratory workplace within a radioation protection area
- Phytochambers
- Trained personel for sample preparation and measurements
- Radiation protection offivers to ensure a safe work environment when handling radionuclides
Experiments using radionuclides