Dr. Pierre Denelle

Pierre Denelle

email: pierre.denelle[at]uni-goettingen.de

Research Interests
I am an ecologist working with functional ecology and biogeography/macroecology of plants.

I am involved in teaching classes in Macroecoogy and Biogeography, Quantifying Biodiversity and Plant community. For helping to offer plant identification classes during the pandemic, I co-developed BotanizeR, an R-package and shiny app for learning plant characteristics and memorizing plant species names (Weigelt et al. 2022).

Selected recent and representative publications
For a comprehensive list of all publications and citations please visit my Google scholar profile.

Denelle, P., Weigelt, P. & Kreft, H. (2023): GIFT—An R package to access the Global Inventory of Floras and Traits. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210x.14213 pdf (see tutorials here)

Cai, L, Kreft, H, Taylor, A, Denelle, P., ..., Weigelt, P. (2023): Global models and predictions of plant diversity based on advanced machine learning techniques. New Phytologist. pdf

Taylor, A, Weigelt, P, Denelle, P., Cai, L,. & Kreft, H. (2023): The contribution of plant life and growth forms to global gradients of vascular plant diversity. New Phytologist. pdf

Barajas Barbosa, M.P., Craven, D., Weigelt, P., Denelle, P., Otto, R., Díaz, S., Fernández-Palacios, J.M. & Kreft, H. (2023): Assembly of functional diversity in an oceanic island flora. Nature. pdf

Denelle, P., Violle, C. & Munoz, F. (2020): Generalist plants are more competitive and more functionally similar to each other than specialist plants: insights from network analyses. Journal of Biogeography. pdf

Denelle, P., Violle, C. & Munoz, F. (2019): Distinguishing the signatures of local environmental filtering and regional trait range limits in the study of trait–environment relationships. Oikos. pdf

2020 – 2024 Postdoctoral researcher, Biodiversity, Macroecology and Biogeography, Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
Advisor: Prof. Dr. H. Kreft
Functional biogeography and macroecology of plant diversity
2019 – 2020 Postdoctoral researcher, Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l’environnement et l’agriculture (IRSTEA), Montpellier, France
Advisors: Dr. S. Luque and Dr. M. Lenormand
Cartography of vegetation through network analyses and species distribution modelling
2015-2019: PhD in Ecology, Center of Evolutionary and Functional Ecology, Montpellier, France
Advisors: Dr. C. Violle and Prof. Dr. F. Munoz
Community ecology and functional biogeography in grassland plant communities