Panel Discussion: "Compulsion for Improvement? Dealing with Dangerousness in Total Institutions"

On June 11, 2024, at 6:00 PM (sharp), a panel discussion titled "Compulsion for Improvement? Dealing with Dangerousness in Total Institutions" will take place in the Emmy-Noether Hall of the Alte Mensa.

The event is a collaboration between the Center for Medical Law, the chair of Prof. Baur, and scholars from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

The discussion will address questions regarding the admissibility of coercion in the treatment of patients in psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, and corrections, as well as "outpatient (continuing) treatment orders" and empirical findings.

Panelists will include Axel Dessecker (KrimZ), Tanja Henking (thws Würzburg), Norbert Konrad (Charité), and Christian Riedemann (MRVZN Bad Rehburg). Prof. Baur will moderate the discussion.

We look forward to welcoming you to the event.

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