CATapult your Classroom: Enhancing Teaching and Learning Through Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) (D/E)

Dates and work units: 4 WU

  • Wed, 13th of November 2024, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (4 WU)

Please register until Wed, 30th of October 2024.
Later registrations may not be taken into account.

Are you looking for ways to improve student engagement and learning in your classroom? Do you want to gather real-time feedback to expand your teaching effectiveness? Join us for a comprehensive workshop, focused on the integration of digital and analog Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) into your didactic design and practice.
CATs are informal formative assessment methods that instructors can use to gain insights into student understanding, learning progress, and teaching effectiveness in real-time. Unlike formal assessments such as exams or projects, CATs are typically low-stake, can be integrated in any part of your course, and are designed to provide immediate feedback that can be used to adjust teaching strategies and improve student learning outcomes. They offer insights into teaching and learning processes, that allow teachers to make informed teaching decisions and can be flexibly adapted to various contexts using both digital and analog methods. Giving insights into student comprehension, enhancing student engagement, and improving learning through self-assessment and critical thinking, they are invaluable tools for educators in a higher education context.
Whether you are new to CATs or looking to expand your existing toolkit, this workshop provides an interactive learning experience that will enable you to better cater to your students’ learning journey. Join us and transform the way you assess and engage with your students in your classroom.

Learning objectives:
After this workshop, participants can

  • describe the fundamental principles and benefits of Classroom Assessment Techniques;
  • apply a variety of digital and analog CATs to diverse classroom environments;
  • integrate CATs into existing course designs;
  • use CATs for real-time feedback and adaptive teaching.

Göttingen, Waldweg 26, Room 3.117/119 (Tract I, 3rd floor)

Methods and appraoches:

  • Input
  • group work
  • discussions
  • CATs
  • individual work

Course Language: Englisch

Chahira Nouira: is an instructional designer. She supports the development and implementation of methods and tools that help teachers and students strengthen their digital competences and enhance collaborative teaching and learning. Since December 2016, Chahira has been part of the Digital Learning and Teaching team at the University of Göttingen.

Eva-Maria van Straten: works at the section for teaching and learning at the University of Göttingen since 2022, where she specializes in innovative didactic design and practice for large group lectures. Her interests include intersectional pedagogy and facilitating learning experiences for diverse groups of learners. She has extensive teaching experience at the same university.