Developments in Modern Mathematics:
the 2nd WiMGo conference

September 2nd to 5th, 2024

Resgistration is open!

Our conference ”Developments in Modern Mathematics” is now in its second edition. Once again, we will bring together leading researchers active in the various fields represented at the Mathematical Institute of Göttingen University: Mathematical Physics, Operator Theory, Higher Structures, Geometry, Topology, and Number Theory. This unique event aims to offer an exploration of the latest advancements across these diverse areas of mathematics. With its synergistic approach, this event will provide a broad and rich perspective on recent developments in modern mathematics.

The Aim

This conference actively pursues two major goals: first, by gathering experts from different yet related research fields, we aim to create a stimulating and vibrant atmosphere that fosters interdisciplinary collaborations and interactions. Second, offering a stage to the most recent developments in modern mathematics means also to play an active role in helping raising awareness of the gender dynamics existing in academia. To this end, we are incorporating lectures on gender equality alongside our mathematical presentations. All our invited speakers have been selected based on excellence, with all plenary speakers being leading female experts. This provides them with well-deserved visibility and demonstrates that mathematics is not solely a male domain; successful female researchers should be recognized as outstanding mathematicians first and foremost.

The Poster

Poster WiMGo 2024

You can download the pdf-version here

Please help us advertising our conference by hanging this poster at your university!

The Structure

This conference aims to offer an overview of significant recent advancements obtained in various fields of mathematics. By gathering leading experts from the diverse research areas represented at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Göttingen, we aim to foster dynamic scientific interaction and collaboration among speakers and participants, bridging disciplines that are traditionally viewed as distinct. To pursue this goal, we will offer, in particular to the young participants, the opportunity to present their results in front of a very broad and expert audience. In details, the conference will consist of:

  • 6 Plenary talks: these talks provide a broad picture of the field of expertise of the speaker, presenting the main achievements and open questions still present in their research area. These talks should be accessible to the entire audience and hence could be seen as colloquium talks.

    Duration: 1 hour

  • 18 Thematic talks: as they will take place in parallel sections, these talks will be research level talks, at the level of a seminar talk, given by senior experts in the field.

    Duration: 45 minutes

  • Participants’ talks: as also these contributed talks will take place in parallel sections, the participants will be given the possibility of presenting their results to a more specialized audience. We expect that most of the contributed talks will be given by junior participants.

    Duration: 20 minutes + 5 minutes for questions

  • Poster Session: the participants will be offered the possibility of presenting their research on a poster. The posters will be visible during all the coffee breaks, for the entire duration of the conference.

  • Research Areas and Confirmed Speakers

    Each area will have one plenary speaker and at least two additional invited experts speaking during the thematic session in the afternoon.

    Mathematical Physics
    The concept of quantisation, from noncommutative field theories to topological recursion. Some geometrical and analytical approaches.

    Plenary Speaker:
    • Patrizia Vitale (University of Neaples)
    Thematic Speakers:
    • Raimar Wulkenhaar (University of Münster)
    • Giovanni Landi (University of Trieste)
    Scientific Advisor:
    • Dorothea Bahns

    Operator Theory

    Plenary Speaker:
    • Magdalena Musat (University of Copenhagen)
    Thematic Speakers:
    • Sara Azzali (University of Bari)
    • Runlian Xia (University of Glasgow)
    Scientific Advisor:
    • Ralf Meyer

    Higher Structures
    Higher structures in differential geometry. Interactions between higher Lie theory, Symplectic and Poisson geometry, and quantization.

    Plenary Speaker:
    • Eva Miranda (Technical University of Catalonia and University of Cologne)
    Thematic Speakers:
    • Stefan Waldmann (University of Würzburg)
    • Marco Zambon (University of Leuven)
    Scientific Advisor:
    • Chenchang Zhu

    Geometry of groups and dynamics.

    Plenary Speaker:
    • Indira Chatterji (Côte d’Azur University)
    Thematic Speakers:
    • Claire Burrin (University of Zürich)
    • Valentina Disarlo (University of Heidelberg)
    Scientific Advisor:
    • Federico Vigolo

    Stable homotopy theory and index theory.

    Plenary Speaker:
    • Kate Ponto (University of Kentucky)
    Thematic Speakers:
    • Nora Doll (University of Halle Wittenberg)
    Scientific Advisor:
    • Thomas Schick

    Number Theory

    Plenary Speaker:
    • Vivian Kuperberg (ETH Zürich)
    Thematic Speakers:
    • Lasse Grimmelt (Oxford University)
    • Simon Myerson (University of Warwick)
    Scientific Advisor:
    • Jörg Brüdern

    Initiatives towards Equality in Mathematics

    In addition to its mathematical content, the conference will actively pursue the goal of exposing a broad audience of active researchers in mathematics to the problem of gender dynamics in academia. To reach this goal, a series of activities will approach the problem from different perspectives.

    Monday, 2nd Sep: Plenary talk on gender bias
    The objectivity of mathematics makes it difficult to convince mathematicians of the subjectivity of their judgments. This is why we strongly believe that the first topic to be addressed in the direction of gender awareness in the context of mathematics at academic level is the problem of gender bias. This is the topic which will be treat by Tomas Brage in his talk.

    Plenary Speaker: Tomas Brage (Lund University)
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Tuesday, 3rd Sep: Panel discussion together with our plenary speakers
    Young female researchers tend to think that the obstacles they experience in their academic path should be solely traced back to their lack of competence. This is why during this panel discussion our plenary speakers, all leading researchers in their fields, will be encouraged to report on the difficulties they also had to face, including the problem of finding a balance between work and private life. Our panelists will also be asked for ideas and various possible solutions that can be implemented. A long coffee break is planned afterwards, so that graduate students can get to know and interact with the panelists.

    Wednesday, 4th Sep: Interactive plenary talk
    Over the last years several efforts have been made to promote diversity. The next step to take now is to learn how to work together effectively.

    Plenary Speaker: Andrea Blunck (University of Hamburg)
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Day 4: Research talks in gender studies in mathematics: towards possible solutions
    PhD students and postdocs in gender studies in mathematics have analysed specific aspects related to the system of exams and the grading in mathematics. Moreover, they also addressed problems related to the existence of a stereotypical image of a mathematician, to which the personality traits of males are better connected. These talks will not only scientifically address some concrete effects of the presence of gender bias but they will also suggest possible solutions.

    Plenary Speaker: Anna Ransiek (Free University of Berlin)
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Plenary Speaker: Lara Gildehaus (University of Klangenfurt)
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    The Exhibition

    During the conference, the Mathematical Institute will host the exhibition ”Women in Mathematics from around the world. A galley of portraits”. Next to the permanent collection of portraits and historical images remembering some of the most outstanding mathematicians associated to the University of Göttingen, this exhibition will give the stage also to female mathematicians of the present: 33 posters with pictures and interviews of women in mathematics will be placed around the department during the event.

    In the words of Sylvie Paycha, one of the editors and first initiator of this project:

    ”Entering the field of mathematics can be tough, and women often encounter specific obstacles. The exhibition offers a glimpse into the world of mathematics through photographs and excerpts of interviews of thirty-three women mathematicians from around the world. The women mathematicians portrayed here share with us their experience, thus serving as role models to stimulate young women scientists to trust their own strength.”
    Poster announcement exhibition 2024__1
    You can download the poster here

    Tentative Progamme

    Tentative Programme WiMGo 2024

    Titles and Abstracts

    Here you will find all titles and abstracts of plenary, thematic and contributed talks, divided by sessions.

    Plenary Talk:

    Patrizia Vitale (University of Neaples)
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Thematic Talks:

    Raimar Wulkenhaar (University of Münster)
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Giovanni Landi (University of Trieste)
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Talks contributed by participants:

    TBA ()
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Plenary Talk:

    Magdalena Musat (University of Copenhagen)
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Thematic Talks:

    Sara Azzali (University of Bari)
    Title: TBA

    Runlian Xia (University of Glasgow)
    Title: TBA

    Talks contributed by participants:

    TBA ()
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Plenary Talk:

    Eva Miranda (Technical University of Catalonia and University of Cologne)
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Thematic Talks:

    Stefan Waldmann (University of Würzburg)
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Marco Zambon (University of Leuven)
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Talks contributed by participants:

    TBA ()
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Plenary Talk:

    Indira Chatterji (Côte d’Azur University)
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Thematic Talks:

    Claire Burrin (University of Zürich)
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Valentina Disarlo (University of Heidelberg)
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Talks contributed by participants:

    TBA ()
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Plenary Talk:

    Kate Ponto (University of Kentucky)
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Thematic Talks:

    Nora Doll (University of Halle Wittenberg)
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Talks contributed by participants:

    TBA ()
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: ITBA

    Plenary Talk:

    Vivian Kuperberg (ETH Zürich)
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Thematic Talks:

    Lasse Grimmelt (Oxford University)
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Simon Myerson (University of Warwick)
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Talks contributed by participants:

    TBA ()
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Plenary Talk:

    TBA ()
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Thematic Talks:

    TBA ()
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    Talks contributed by participants:

    TBA ()
    Title: TBA
    Abstract: TBA

    The Venue

    The conference will take place at the Mathematical Institute, Bunsenstraße 3-5, 37073 Göttingen




    Location Exhibition


    To register at our event, please fill in the following form. The registration will close on Sunday, 11th August. Some limited financial support is available for young participants in the form of accommodation. When registering, all participants are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract for a contributed talk and/or poster. Professional childcare will be available for all speakers and participants at the conference venue. In case you would like to use our childcare service, please complete your registration by Sunday, 4th August.

    Resgistration is open!

    Click here to register

    Conference Dinner

    All participants to the conference “Developments in Modern Mathematics” are invited to join us to our conference dinner, which will take place on Wednesday, 4th September. Additional information about the venue will be provided as the event date approaches.

    Travel and Accommodation

    Here you will find information on how to get to and your stay in Göttingen.

    Closest airports: Frankfurt Main International, Hannover

    Göttingen is well connected via fast trains to most major cities in Germany. The travel time from Frankfurt is about 2h and from Hannover less than 1h.

    Walking from the train station to the Mathematical Institut takes no more than 20 minutes passing through the town centre. Most hotels are in walking distance from the main building, however there is also a chance of using the buses.

    Here is a list of recommended Hotels in Göttingen:

    Leine Hotel
    Eden Hotel
    Hotel Central
    G Hotel
    Hotel Stadt Hannover

    Here is a map where you can find bus stops, sightseeing points and other information about Göttingen. The link is set to the Autumn School room, you can move freely within the map.